Tampon Wearing


I know I could probably search old threads, but I just don't have the time. Just wondering how much tampon wearing is too much. I finally figured out how to get one in comfortably (lots of bliss balm), and it feels so nice!!! Anyway, I know I won't overdue it, but we will be moving soon. I've got lots of cleaning and packing of boxes to do. I figure I could just wear one if I'm on my feet a lot, or if I'm doing heavier work. I know I shouldn't be doing all this stuff, but no one else can really do it!!! Bad timing. We didn't plan on me having this problem last year when we were planning our house!

I'm glad you are having success with tampons. I would think 4-6 hours would be about enough time or maybe a little longer. What kind are you wearing? I tried one again yesterday, it felt uncomfortable so I took it out after about an hour and the was a small amount of blood on it. I am not having my period so it must have rubbed on the vaginal wall. My cystocele still drops down some when I wear one. I am just looking for a few hours of not feeling that awful bulge. Take care, Connie

My gyno told me that there wasn't any problem in using tampons as a pessary. My cystocyle is uncomfortable enough that I use them during the active part of my day. I put in a new one after lunch and remove it before dinner.

I got blood on the tampons when I first started using them. Now I goop up the applicator good with some K-Y jelly and don't have problems with blood due to vaginal irritation.

The Tampax Pearl Super works well for me if I get it oriented right. It is basically a couple of tubes of material connected with more material, so it expands in a flattish shape. The applicator is flattened at the base, so I push the tampon out enough and orient the "split" at right angles to the flattened part. Then I poke it back in and apply the jelly. It is comfortable when it is inserted so that expands from hip bone to hip bone. I first tried it oriented the other way and my bladder didn't care for that at all!

I do sometimes feel the cystocele a bit depending on how things have shifted, but it is something I can live and function with.

Thanks for this suggestion - I just started doing it and it makes a HUGE difference in my day!