Weight Trainint, Excercise and New First Aid For Prolapse DVD...



I have not posted on this site for some time now,but often come back to read abit of information,been very busy with two toddlers don't get alot of time:-)
Firstly my very laid back doctor says I have vaginal wall collapse and a bladder is lower ??? Not sure how lower, But I have nevered really worried too much cause found this site first so don't want to go down any surgery road etc.

Basically I have been wanting to get back into shape and want to do some muscle workouts and cardio but don't know where to start, started some programs but so many are pull your tummy in and didn't feel too good afterwards.
Is the new DVD fitness for your whole body as well. I want to buy First Aid DVD anyway but also have concerns whether it will play on my DVD player as only region 4 (Australia) , I think this was posted somewhere else but no answer yet.

Or does anyone have other DVD's also that is safe to do, how do you tone without hurting yourself more.


I can't comment about the DVD working on Australia, just wanted to say "THANK YOU". Your posts from your last pregnancy really helped me a lot when I was struggling with prolapse during my pregnancy. They gave me hope of recovery. Hope you are doing well and that your still do not notice your prolapses (even though your doc says your bladder is low).....I'm sure someone will comment re: the use of the DVD in Australia!

Take care,

Hi Nicola

Welcome back. Yes, the DVD works in Oz. How about swimming? Any stroke would be good, cos you get the arms stretched out, and resistance all round. If you really want to go psycho, how about competitive water polo? Not sure I would be taking up swimming at this time of year, though. No heated pools within cooee of here! You may have one closer.

Sounds like your doctor is blinding you with the bleeding obvious. I wouldn't turn myself inside out trying to understand what he was talking about. I think you already know. ;-)



Pool is also too hard for me too get to... I just want to get physical but I am always thinking about my prolapse. I want to get back to my fitness and tone up as finished having children now and some time to do it, just not sure how to go about it with this prolapse. I will order the DVD, I have read that if it does not work on DVD player should on the computer.

Davemayamom, nice to hear my posts helped you. I hardly notice my prolapse, it has never ever been as bad as I had for them few weeks when I pregnant that's for sure, that was very scary, and something I would to hate to experience again and I am grateful to feel as good and as active as I do now. I do think about what I am doing and how I am doing things everyday so it is on my mind alot, alittle worried wether it will get worse with age. I must admit I am slack though, alot of things with posture and things you shouldn't do.

The other thing I have noticed bladder wise is that I feel like I need to go to toilet when going from sitting or laying to standing, even though not a full bladder, I don't have a problem making to a toliet and can hang on for quite awhile.Doctors says because bladder is sitting low it is relying on one valve, instead of two, oh whatever, I don't know it made sense at the time.

Thanks for your comments, this site is just wonderful, may find it hard to post alot but it is such a helpful site :-)

Hi Nicola

Yes, I know what you mean about the getting up thing. I get it when I get out of the car after a long drive, though I don't get it as much these days. You could try doing a couple of kegals before getting up. If the bladder is low, and has been resting in one spot for a while I guess the kidneys keep working and pressure from increased urine would build up internal pressure. The kegals might wake the sphincters up again.

When you have cystocele there is a kink in the urethra when the bladder is sitting back a bit. When I stand up I tend to bend forwards to get my bum off the seat, which would send my bladder forwards and straighten up the kink, so yes indeedy, there is only one valve maintaining continence. Variations in internal pressure could be just enough irritant for the bladder to start giving you signals.

There is also a little pressure point under the nose, against the cartilage, deep in the angle where the nose joins the upper jaw. This pressure point is supposed to stop the bladder spasming, and pressing on it will give you a bit more time to get to the toilet. I learned this one from our local continence clinic nurse.



Nice to be welcomed back so nicely,

Thanks for the comments on the bladder situation gives me some things to check and think about, my doctor said if I want to be referred to a gyno he will, he tells me this guy has a special exercising machine that gets results, my doctor thinks if I do kegels it might fix problem alittle, thats all they focus on it seems.

they are even sweating!