getting better...sort of(7months pp)


hey just wanted to give an update and ask a few questions.......let me remind you where im at on this journey.
I am 7 months postpartum to my second baby and 23 years old ,not that age really seems to matter with this. I discovered that i had a cystocele and slight rectocele about 3 weeks after giving birth. I would say my cystocele was almost a grade it stays pretty high for the most part...i still have a bulge but it is a grade 2 mostly which i consider "high" and a 1 in the morning and on very good(rare) days throughout. My rectocele doesnt seem to bother me too bad or maybe im just getting use to it. I cant seem to find a pattern for what causes my bad days, i could mop the floor, vacuume and clean the whole house and i may not even notice it or i could lay around all day and as soon as i get up and stand on my feet for a few minutes i feel real drooping and uncomfortable. I am having some new stuff happen and im hoping someone can explain to me what it lately i have noticed that the anterior wall is sometimes not in its usual place....i hate to even say it but im thinking my uterus might be coming down alittle...maybe since my cystocele is getting better...?? I dontknow but i cant feel my cervix or anything just that the wall feels like its come down some....not sure if im making any sense but instead of it going up and back at an angle it goes up and then straight back more instead of an angle upwards..I cant feel my cervix though no matter how far i reach so i take that as a good sign. Is anymone experiencing this as well and is this all part of the system of things? Things are still sort of "floppy" in there as well....when does that go away or does it? I have finally figured out firbreathing and it is truly finally just came to me and i can feel that im doing it right now no question about it...i dont do it enough yet for it to make a real difference though but im working towards it. I feel that things are getting more "back to normal"...i still have days where im not sure i can deal with this and to think i could deal with this for another 60 or more years...i try not to look that far ahead and just focus on right now and the near future....i hope im headed in the right direction and i will be giving good reports at 1 year pp and then at 18months pp. Things ARE better than when i first found them though. Any thoughts?

Hi Amanda

Sounds good! Just remember that you are still only 7 months out from birthing, so there is still lots of recovery, and interior firming up, in front of you. This latest change is probably just the latest manifestation, rather than a deterioration.

It sounds a bit like your uterus might be tipped backwards, ie your cervix might be pointing straight up and towards the front wall (out of reach) with your uterus hanging upside down behind your vagina. Is this possible? If you think this might be the case I wouldn't panic about it.

I have noticed that sometimes a bad POP day will follow a very energetic day, ie I don't feel it until the next day. You could try diarying physical activity against level of POP, day by day, maybe use a star rating for each. See if they are a day out of synch.



i have been giving this some thought and trying to figure it out...i can kind of feel my cervix, is there any way for me to tell if my uterus is like that without me having to have my dr. check? sounds like that would be really bad and hard to straighten out if even possible.....
I have been doing the firebreathing a few times a day now and it is working immediately after doing it now and staying for a few hours! so thats progress....i do firebreathing and a few plies in 2nd and then i rest on elbow and knees for a minute and i feel good! I hope everyone here learns to do is working miracles for me. What made me get on and add this was just now i checked to see how my cystocele was and it was pretty visible and then i did the breathing excerises for a few minutes checked again and it was completely gone! Oh and i wanted to add that i have done more physical work today than i have in over a year....i planted flowers and dug a whole flower bed up..i hauled dirt, pots of big flowers,my two year old and my 8 month old...i didnt stop from 8am until almost now @10:30pm ...i rested and did these exercises throughout the day. Let's hope tomorrow doesnt take a hit because of today..i really dont think it will though

the last few days were good after my day of working outside....just wanting someone to find hope with this report...


I wanted to respond to this earlier, it's just been too crazy to post! Thanks for the update and hope! Glad things are going well for you. I'm still feeling my urethrocele at 4 months pp, but not to the extent I was at 6-12 weeks pp, and NOTHING like when I was pregnant (that was horrible). Anyway, it's always nice to hear of improvements, and I hope I"ll be right behind you......By the way, when did you start firebreathing, and when did you notice such a difference with it?...I hope things keep moving forward and up for you.

Thanks for your post,

thanks for taking the time to respond! I have been trying it on and off for a few months but just got the hang of it in the last month or so and started really seeing improvements in the last couple weeks of doing it. As before I would do it and i would feel no change but now it seems like my body does it right away and stays in place longer. Doing the ballet workout from the book really has helped me too.