Another 10 lb delivery!!!


10lb 2oz and 21.5 inches long

I promiss I tried really hard to build a smaller baby! She arrived April 30th at home 11:56am. Piper Aleighn is big and beautiful!

All throughout my pregnancy I was POP free. Even before I got pregnant, I went from a stage 4 to noticing nothing wrong or out of place. It is a true mirical.

I was determined to breath this baby out. My husband says I did breath her out. But my midwife said I bared down. I remember humming while she crowned and when the last contraction slid her out of my body and into the water. The buoyancy of the water was fantastic! It kept my uterus up as I delivered my little girl.

I'm just so shocked that she is another 10 lber! My 3rd child (a girl) was 10 lb 5 oz and I had a mild prolapse after her delivery but recovered quickly (at 8 weeks!).

I'm fearful with this recovery and hope to recover fully and soon. Right now, I'm open and my bladder is very low. My last delivery resulted in a peaked cervix. This time isn't that bad. My cervix is low but not that low.

How soon should I do the WW excercises after this birth?

Ah! Fruitful Womb!

Congratulations! I was just thinking about you the other day! You have done well with your little daughter. I guess some women are just BigBabyMomas. There is something very special about those newborn looks, in the dark, peering around at their new wide world. She looks very happy to bve here.

I am sure that Alemama, who has just birthed recently, will answer your call about starting exercise. I think keeping your legs together for a while might be a good idea if you are feeling very open. Just let your belly carry forward and stand and sit tall. Moving the weight and bulk forwards will allow your vagina to pull inwards and close your vulva. Remember that your vulva and vagina have had to stretch in circumference to birth the baby, so it will take a little while for it to 'unswell' and get back to a more normal shape. Christine is working on more resources for postpartum care. Hopefully she will 'pop in' with some guidelines for you.



Thank you Louise for your response. I'm super excited about Christine's latest addition on Postpartum Care. I'm looking forward to it.

Alemama, congratulations on your newest addition!!! Sorry, I'm so terrible about visiting. Off to find your announcement.

Congrats!!! :)
I think rest is the best thing you can do now. Enjoy the babymoon! :)

How sweet to have another girl in the Whole Woman Family! Thank you so much for sharing news of her arrival with us, FW. I have no doubt you will recover to your pre-pregnancy status or even better as time goes on. Wait on the WW exercise until 12 weeks or so. Until then, remember to breathe naturally and to pull into the posture as much as possible - sitting as well as standing - and remember no straining! Rest, rest, rest....

Many blessings,


Thank you Christine for the sound advice! I'm relieved and feeling very positive right now. :)

congrats on the new baby, fruitfulwomb!
sounds like a wonderful birth, and another 10 lber - good job, mama!
take it easy, I'd just focus on posture and rest right now. you'll have plenty of time later on to get busy with the exercises.

Congratulations! I've seen a few of your posts here and on mothering. How amazing that you went from stage 4 to barely-there! It is very inspiring and I (and others, I'm sure) would love to hear more about that recovery. It should make you feel good about recovering this time, too. No fear! You did it before, and you'll do it again. Also, thank you for the inspiring 5th birth! It makes me hopeful for a #2 one day . . . .

forgot to check out the photo
she IS gorgeous! so alert too. I love those angelic newborn faces.
enjoy her.

What an absolutely beautiful baby! Congratulations and enjoy, enjoy. I have really big babies as well although I am not a big person. It just runs in my husband's family. Actually, in his family, and now ours, they end up being very average people, but start out big. Our first, a son was 9 13 1/2 and our dd, who was induced a week early, weighed in at 8 pounds 11 ounces. She is a little thing now, but I am afraid she is going to be giving birth (with any luck..tomorrow) to a very big baby as well.

Take everyones advice and try to get as much rest as possible. Congrats again and enjoy that beautiful baby girl!

Hugs and best wishes to you all,

rest your body well. I say you can start some exercises as soon as you are ready to start hauling laundry and carrying around a toddler- I am thinking of the ones from the first DVD- positions that put you on all fours-
Take time every day to reach up high and stretch out your hamstrings- and then get back into bed for a few hours.
Congratulations on your baby. Homebirths are amazing! We had our last 2 in the water and it was awesome.
If you believe that your thoughts can create your reality then stop feeling fearful and start meditation on the healing process. Take a few minutes each day to picture the healing process your body is going through. This time is going to be better than the last. It already is.