sharing the news : )


we've got another baby on the way!
I'm estimating I'm somewhere about ten weeks and thus far the prolapse is behaving even though my diet is awful these days.
only problem I'm having is finding a good position for vomiting. seems to put so much pressure on the bladder, and if I find a good position for the bladder :::tmi alert::: the vomit gets stuck on its way up & out and that is just horrible.
I guess I just have to hang in there, hopefully the morning sickness (all day sickness!) will pass soon, unless anyone has any prolapse friendly vomiting tips.

That is wonderful news! You and Alemama are definitely demonstrating that prolapse and pregnancy are possible! I can't imagine that yet as I'm still feeling my prolapse, but you've given me hope.......As for the vomiting, no tips yet! But being sick in 1st trimester is always good news! Wishing you a healthy and happy pregnancy. Keep us posted on your progress!

Take care,

such wonderful news!
sorry you are feeling so ill, but hopefully on the way towards feeling better. only thing i can suggest is preggy drops / pops--they saved me this last time and helped avoid being ill in the first place...
glad your POP's are behaving, and do keep us updated!!!


Ha-ha-ha-ha! Well done. I do hope the vomiting lets up. It really sucks.

Thinking of you. :-)))))


Wow, congrats!!!

Can you try Nauli while throwing up? :) Just kidding, hope this morning sickness will resolve soon! Enjoy your pregnancy, and keep us posted!

SO excited for your and your family! Wait, didn't you say you were DONE? Never say never!!

Blessings, Marie

hehehe marie, I was kinda sorta hoping nobody would remember that, lol.
this is a surprise blessing for us. I DID say I was done, gave away ALL of my maternity clothes, baby equipment and even my breast pump. I think that's what did it, G-d loves a good joke I think. so yeah, never say never!!
thanks for the congrats. I still think of you as my pg buddy.

I'm reading your comment and thinking 'oh my, is she NUTS? nauli while vomiting?!' and then read on to see you were kidding. first thing to go are my sense of humor neurons.

thanks for all the congrats and well wishes
will definitely keep everyone updated

Congratulations, Gmom. Granolababy #1 (think I'll refer to him as Granolaboy at this point) is SO adorable and I'm hoping for a little sister for him!

As far as vomiting tips go, I think bending over deeply at the waist to an acute angle is as good as it gets, as everything is supported out front that way. You will be all better soon!

:) Christine

yeah, granolababy really isnt a baby anymore. he turned two last sunday and is all boy boy boy. I'm afraid of having another girl, my dd wears me out. the boys are phyiscally draining but emotionally, they are so EASY.

tried the bending over deeply at the waist to an acute angle, but then it doesnt come up & out. need to be hunched over for easy pukin'.
this too shall pass........

Congrats, congrats! I was so excited to read your post! I hope it wasn't that pregnancy issue of Mothering that you offered me for my DD if I couldn't find it on the stands. I remember you said you didn't want it around giving you ideas! Now aren't you glad we didn't need it!!

Speaking of my DD...something's finally (her word, not mine) happening with her. They told her she was 1 centimeter dilated last week (Tuesday). Today she had pain (cramps/contractions??) like she hasn't had before. One at 5:30 a.m., two more each hour after that. Then nothing for hours and hours, but then one late morning and another this afternoon. She's also passing some mucus, so something is definitely going on.

Her due date is May 12. I asked her to have him on my birthday, which is tomorrow. She might not quite make that, but she'll probably be close.

All these wonderful babies! Babies on WholeWoman, our daughter's friends having babies, our new grandbaby on his way. Babies are everywhere. I just love it!

Congrats again G-Mom and feel better soon!


I keep hoping to be brave enough to have #2 one day, so it's good to hear you can have 5 with a pop! Um, maybe try to *prevent* the morning sickness by upping your protein? My midwife really emphasized this, and it worked for me. Especially if you're not eating well, the protein items tend to be the first to go . . . can you do cottage cheese or hemp protein in a smoothie? Congrats!

how exciting! I'll be thinking of your dd and sending gentle labor vibes her way. she's going to be great though, I can't wait to hear the birth story.

and yeah, babies ARE wonderful! I was all mopey about this at first, but then I heard the heartbeat and when you really realize its a BABY, well then, who doesn't love babies?

that is the only way to go for the puke posture. With this last pregnancy I puked once- at the kitchen sink- and that seemed to work pretty great- kinda gross I know-

but anyway - yes I am super excited for you and your family. What wonderful news. And great news that your POP is behaving. Keep us updated!
I did some crazy food combining (like black beans and sweet potato- I read that nausea is actually caused by blood sugar fluctuations and the way to get a grip on it was to eat a protein and complex carb- no sugar snack 12 meals a day....chick peas and pasta worked well too-like a pasta salad) and eating every hour- small handfuls of food- worked well to control nausea.

isn't working for me, puke wise. for some reason, it gets stuck. kitchen sink is a good idea though. will try that one.

eating every hour, pretty much what I'm doing. even with all the vomiting I'm already up 10 pounds. well on my way to my usual 50+.
but beans? chickpeas? pasta? not happening. that stuff comes right back up.
good news is that its starting to subside, mostly only morning and evenings now.

the ironic part of the NFP (or should I say FAM) thread is that now that I can do whatever I want worry free (not going to get MORE pg), I'm way to queasy. what a waste!

What an unexpected blessing! I'm sorry to hear about the vomiting. I can relate. Last year when I was pregnant with my daughter I had hyperemesis. I vomited every 20 minutes 24/7 for 26 weeks. I lost 33 pounds during my pregnancy. Hopefully it will pass quickly for you. I generally used the kitchen sink(gross I know). It gave me something to lean against. The funny part is when I was pregnant with my son 11 years ago I wasn't sick for a minute. I think the problem was being pregnant at 38. Anyway, congratulations and best of luck to you.

In general I think the research shows you are more likely to be nauseous with a female baby! I had food aversions with my son, but with my dd, I was definitely sick and lots of dry heaving! I hope it subsides for you soon, it is NOT fun!

I wonder if you vomit more with twins??? ;-)

not funny, loiuse.
now take it back!

(and if I do end up with twins, I'm coming to visit you, dumping my 6 kids and going off for a week with dh)

Gmom, If you want to do a 29 hour flight with six kids, you are more than welcome! (Sorry, I couldn't help it. I thought I would get a bite!) :-(