Hi new here with a couple of questions


Hi I have been reading through all the information and posts on here and feel like ive had an epiphany...I have not yet been diagnosed but have all the symptoms of having a rectocele and also a uterine prolapse.I have had IBs for many years and for a while now I have been having to use my finger to help empty my bowel and can feel my bowel against my vaginal wall when i need to go to the toilet.I can feel what i assume is my cervix/uterus in my vagina and they are very low down...i also need to pee more often and also have urinary incontinence not major but when i sneeze and cough...I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks which is why i havent gone to the Drs yet ( frightened of the outcome ...worse case scenarios terrify me...stupid i know )There is alot of mentions here about pain and it describes it as a dragging pulling feeling in the pelvic area can anyone describe there feeling of this pain ?
The pain I have which isnt there when i lie down and isnt excruciating just a dull achy draggy pain like mild period pains the pain comes and goes and it feels like a pressure pushing down is this normal..
Thank you very much for your time and advice

Hi Cat

Yes, Wholewoman is a bit of an epiphany, isn't it? A wonderful place to be after all the fear and uncertainty elsewhere.

Yes, your symptoms do sound fairly normal for POP. Most women get a formal diagnosis from a doctor but some do not bother in the absence of other things. Many women only find out about their prolapses when they go for an annual gyn checkup.

I suggest that you buy the book, Saving the Whole Woman, from the main website, online store. You might be able to get the first edition from places like Amazon, but the second edition is much better and more clearly illustrated. It might seem expensive but it is a really good investment because it teaches you about pelvic anatomy in an easy to understand way. Then, if you go to the doctor for formal diagnosis you know what questions to ask, and will understand her/his answers. The new DVD, First Aid for Prolapse, is a more general introduction, and has a great workout, and a guide to diagnosing your own POP.

BTW, our search engine doesn't seem to be completely working at the moment. Trawling the posts, or Web searching with Google, might give you more hits within the Forums. Wholewoman Forums seem to rate quite well on Google for me.

Call back again. Have you given birth? Recently?



Hello and thank you for your reply and for suggesting that i buy the book :D i will certainly see about getting it I live in the Uk butI dont think that the postage will be that high hopefully.
No I havent given birth recently but i have moved home alot and i dont think the heavy lifting of furniture and boxes has helped me in any way :( plus the straining i have to do sometimes when i get the other side of IBS ie constipation..I will try the seach engine and see if i can find answers to the pain question...many thanks talk to you soon take care Cat

I wanted to respond to your question about the pain and pressure with POP. I have the very feeling you described everday. For the most part it goes away when lying down. I have an ovarian cyst and still feel some discomfort on my right side when resting, but I know that's the cyst, I have had many in the last few years. You decribed the pain well, like mild to moderate period cramps. The heaviness is in my lower abdomen, and that very uncomfortable bulge out of my vagina that nothing seems to help. I never had the heaviness before the cystocele appeared in December, so I know that's the cause. I have recently started a new job and I am on my feet alot more than I have been in months. Walking slowly, sometimes in WW posture, sometimes not, seems to relieve the pressure feeling on occasion. I had been avoiding my recliner at home too, but lately have been sitting in it for about an hour in the evening and the bulge and pain seem better too for a while. I really think time is the healer, at least for me. I will continue to be careful with lifting and straining on the toilet. Hope you get to feeling better, Connie