How to include a link...


How do I make a link?
This is a link to a web page:
Ladies of Lallybroch
Ladies of Lallybroch
You can also do a link to a picture, or any other kind of file, provided you've got its address:
Can you tell who typed this FAQ?
Can you tell who typed this FAQ?
Type the address you're linking to after the href=enclosed in quote marks. Do not forget to include http:// for a web address. Any text that you type after the > bracket and before the will become the "clickable" text displayed on the page.
The URL is always typed between quote marks, so a word of advice here: If you type your message in Word, for posterior copying and pasting, please note that your Word is probably set to change your "straight" quote marks into "smart" quote marks. It's hard to actually notice it while typing, but your link will not work if the URL is typed between smart quote marks. If you do this, after pasting your message on the posting window, don't forget to replace the quote marks in your link.

except don't put any spaces in between. I had to so it didn't make it a link


Thanks Alemama. No excuses now. L :-)

Hi Christine and Lanny

Could we put Alemama's instructions in an 'box'on the Forums homepage, so they don't disappear down the list of new posts? I Searched for Alemama's post and got the words wrong, so couldn't find it again. Alelmama, would that be OK with you?