inversion table, bike riding and posture lots of ??


Hello All,
Thanks to everyone for their shared experience. when I was told that my dropped feeling was bladder prolapse I was not surprised I was surprised that my Dr. told me everything must go...I told him "I am into uterine preservation" and asked for pessary which was ill placed ect and then found this board. From this board I have adapted the advice and have used a tampon if I am going to out shopping all day and on occassion have used Replens. Since my prolapse I have a had a UTI that was hard to get rid of and from the boards I now take cranberry pills and change my bloomers (as referred to by one lady) much more ofter. I also void squatting grabbing my ankles per suggested by another board post and when I have a bowel movement I prop my feet up per another board suggestion. All these things are working so thanks. I have read both books and watched the DVD but I am still struggling with the fire breathing and have tried to incorporate the posture into my life. So here are my questions:::

what does the whole woman posture feel like?? I do feel some rotation with my chest up but can someone describe it

I am worried that bike riding will cause me to have another UTI, is that nonsense?? as someitmes my bladder is low that it is behind my urethra...yesterday I rode with a sanitary pad up that way in hope to keep the pressure off my pee part!!! I have a hybrid bike so I am laying low but more upright.

I have an inversion table that I use for my mild scoliosis, should I continue to use this and will it help my prolapse cause when you hang upside down everything falls into place.

went to health food store and am taking MSM and L-Carnitine received info in a Natural Healing book these supplements were good for pelvic muscles. anybody know about these??

Thanks any feedback appreciated.

Hi Sassytree

1 Hybrid bike. Can you tell me more about the bike? When I googled it I found hybrid bikes that are solar/electric, mountain/road, pedal/motor. I think the critical thing about a bike, whatever it is, is that you can maintain your lumbar curve when holding the handlebars, so that your sacrum can pin your pelvic organs forward. With an exercise bike you can sit bolt upright (no hands needed), as you can on a bike with high handlebars, but it would be hard on a bike with low handlebars and a flat seat. Adjusting the seat so it is more forwards and diagonal might work, so you can get more forward, but you will need to use your legs more. A wider seat might be more comfy too. You can also get seats with two separate cushions so that the midline is not supported at all. With no support in the middle you would certainly be able to judge whether your bike sitting posture is OK or not!! I would think that the UTI could have been aggravated by the biking and a clean sanitary pad would help with hygeine and padding, but you shouldn't have pressure on the opening of your urethra when sitting on the bike. This is what makes me think your posture is compromised on the bike. Back to the drawing board.

2 Posture. From the top. Suspended by a cord from the crown of my head, chin slightly tucked, slightly straightened cervical curve. Neck long. Shoulders relaxed and not pulled back. Pulling them back makes my chin jut out. Breasts out front confidently. Thoracic curve slightly straightened and tall. Lumbar curve large diameter. Abs not contracted. Lower belly loose but kinda springy. Pelvis finds its own position, quite vertical. Coccyx also makes its own arrangements. Pelvic floor must be quite diagonal cos I can't feel any pressure on it. No tightness in belly or buttocks or hamstrings. Knees not locked, relaxed. Feet firmly planted parallel and pressure even over heel, underside of foot and toes. Sitting. Same down to pelvis. Pelvis tilted forward slightly. Kind of locks in. Have to be careful not to rock back to slouching, esp if seat is soft. Try and keep thighs parallel to ground or sloping down slightly. Feet shoulder width apart and planted firmly. The only difference really is the right angle at the hip joints. Think tall, tall, tall, female, queen, and relaxed. Tall is easier once your whole body becomes stronger.

3 inversion table, see other post.

4 Supplements, no idea.



hybrid bike is similar to mountain bike but has thin tires (like a road bike) and the handle bars are higher than mountain bike.
thank you for your explanation and I will work on my posture and investigate a purchasing a new seat.