cystocele post partum and pain



i am new here as i have a pretty fresh prolapse after my first baby boy was born 3 mounths ago. I have a moderate cystocele ,rectocele and uterus decens.Firstly i really apreciate reading all the good tips and encouraging stories from all of you. i have a few questions.
firstly, I have been dealing with cystites like symptoms a lot and this is my biggest worry, will the pain ever go away ?Has anyone else in this site dealt with such symptoms and do they go away as time passes? I have been to the doctor with lots of urine samples so i know there is no infection.
i dont think i am retaining urine according to bladder ultra sound and i am peeing on all fours like suggested here.

Secondly, what are the chanses of the cystocele regressing post partum?
I dont know anyone in my situation amongst my network that has this condition after delivery, is this totally uncommon in young woman, i am 32?
I am devestated this has happened to me, but as i have gathered from reading this site people get over it and move on.How did you guys cope with this?I am worried i can never do trecking in the mountains anymore,i have been told to stop theatre nursing, which is my profession.I also worry about not having more children. I don t want to damage my body even more.
I agree with this site that surgery is not nececery a good option as prognosis for recurrance is quite high.Therefor i have decided to give it at least 5 years to see if i can manage without surgery.

greatfull for any word of encouragement , specially about the pain issue.An thank you for this site, it is what is keeping me sain. ps. sorry about spelling as i am scandinavian.

Hi TrueBlue

Are you at home in Scandinavia, or living elsewhere? Don't worry about your English. It is fine. We are getting a few Members now whose native language is other than English. We all just have to try harder to understand what is being said. That is the way it should be.

With your baby born three months ago you still have another nine months at least before your body will get back to normal-ish, so don't think the recovery has finished with the six week postpartum checkup. After a year you will still have improvements for several years. I have had a urinary tract infection which has cleared (according to the pathology tests) but have been left with inflammation and discomfort for some weeks afterwards.

How are you going with adjusting your posture? This really is the key to getting prolapsed pelvic organs back where they belong, and relieving the pressure on other parts of the pelvic cavity and its nerves and other structures. I even wonder if it could be the out of place fascia that is hurting in some cases of pelvic pain. I haven't had an answer yet from Christine on that one.

Believe me, your body will not feel this bad for ever. It does improve over time, and with the help of the multiple ways that you can help it along.

If I can climb up on the roof regularly at 56 yo, and seem to spend half my life up a ladder, either outside or inside, then you can trek in the mountains, once you figure out what sort of pack is best. What's the problem 'they' see with theatre nursing? Time spent on your feet on concrete floors?

There are ways you can adapt to do almost anything. Life is too short to let a few out of place organs rule my life. I get the feeling you feel the same way.



congrats on the new baby and welcome to the site

this is not as uncommon a condition among young women as you would think. a good percentage of women here are young mothers like yourself. I am (though I'm a bit older than you I was about 32 when I first got here)

many women find that their prolapses either disappear or shrink back remarkably during that first year postpartum. this site is full of things you can do to help that happen. I don't think you need to give up your career, but I do hope that you have a bit of maternity leave. the body really does need time to get back to its pre-pg state. I also would like to tell you that you don't have to worry about not having more children. I am currently pg for the second time after finding my prolapse. I would suggest though, that before planning another baby you learn all you can about prolapse; in general and specifically yours. as similar as our anatomy is, each of us must become experts on our own bodies. you can learn how to help your prolapse, how to avoid aggravating it, etc. and once you do that and feel that things have stabilized, you will have confidence in your body to safely birth more babies.

and just so you know, I did not find my prolapse and just get over it and move on. it was a real loss for me, accompanied by a deep and true sense of grief. I'm sure everyone here can relate to at least some of my initial emotions; fear, horror, shame, grief, sadness, depression, anxiety. It took me a looooong time to get to the place where I am today.
you can (will!) get there too. but it takes time.

dont' know much about cystitis though.

don't be discouraged!

You are still very early postpartum and will see great improvements. I am almost 8 months pp now, and I feel much better now, 3-5 months pp was the worst for me, and looking forward the next couple of months with hope.

I am hungarian, and it seems everybody understands me here, do not worry!


I'm a bit younger than you, only 26, and found my prolapses 5 weeks after the birth of my first baby. I joined this site 3.5 months postpartum, I am now 10 months pp and have really seen great improvement. My cystocele is practically gone, my cervix is much higher, rectocele much smaller, though it is definitely the most stubborn of all POPs. I'm looking forward to seeing more improvement and I'm sure will see a lot of it in the coming year! Make sure you benefit from this site as much as you can.

I'm Polish and soooooo lucky I can speak English since the Polish internet sources contain no valuable information on prolapse and only made me feel helpless and scared. Thank you again Christine!

hey Karolka,

So true! DH is joking about it a lot lately, it was definietly worth learning some foreign language! lol

Just wanted to say i am really greatfull for encouraging answers. They really give me hope to hear you all got so much better with time and that the body heales.My gyn and gp also said that things will improve lots but i just find it so much easier to believe it , hearing it from other woman in the same situation.
I am so greatefull for this support group site.

Yes, I am dealing with them, not good. sometimes I get soo discouraged b/c they are still here, but I have to tell you, these symptoms started to lessen. It is not as bad as it was in the beginning.
Some moms here (like Granolamom) told me that these symptoms will improve slowly and gradually, so keep up with hope.
