New here - Hello - Grade 2 Prolapse


Have just found out I have a Grade 2 Prolapse :-(

Doctor put in Pessary ring - which was out again less than 24 hours later (And hurt like the devil to put in!)

I have been doing Kegels and feel a bit better - But I NEED to know (Gets tearful already) How and IF I can have my last baby with a Prolapse like this - And what it might do to me?

I am so scared - I just don't know how to 'fix' it non-surgically - And how I can have My 4th and final child - I am 37yrs old and the thought of a Grade 3 - from the pics I have seen online of someone with Womb hanging out - Scare the Bejezus out of me.

Can anyone enlighten me? Thank you so much


I see a Gynae Thursday afternoon... Eeps

Hi Sue,

I wish I could calm all your fears, but this work is very new and we are just getting all the pieces put together. I must ask you to take a deep breath and also take responsibility for slowly and carefully studying your situation until you see the truth of it. Then you will know the best way to proceed.

We have one woman, Jane (fullofgrace), who gave a beautiful, easy homebirth to her third child while significantly prolapsed. She was completely in control and birthed standing with little or no pain. Her prolapse returned no worse than before and she is doing very well today with her condition completely stabilized.

In the standing, kneeling, or squatting position, the bladder is held horizontally over the pubic bone while the vertical baby slides past. We have millions of years of evolution behind this design that is completely protective of our pelvic organs. It is when we labor on our backs that the fascial structures surrounding the bladder/cervix are pulled unnaturally down toward the vagina. This is very easy to visualize, right? Another concept to keep in mind is that the cervix DOES NOT push down into the birth canal with the baby, but rather PULLS UP over the baby

Squatting etc would be real hard as I have Multiple Sclerosis also - I have noticed as i recently moved into a house with a raised toilet - That this toilet is the one i seem to choose to go on - Luckily I am rarely if ever constipated.

But for me to squat down would make it hard to get up again.

Will go in search of the video - Thanks so much

OK cant find it - Can you please send me a link - Thanks so much sorry to be so stupid :-)

You will find the link to order the video at the bottom of the home page.
The letters saying click here to order the video are quite small but there is a picture of the cover of the video beside them.

I remember finding this a while ago and sending an email about it - I am in the UK - I need a video that would work on our videos here - I didnt get a reply from that email - lol

Is it possible to just buy the book without DVD or video that would be regions different to what UK has?

I sooooooooooooo need to sort my Prolapse problem out - which has improved a bit from Kegels alone - As I want to have another baby - I would like to concieve next marh/april - so would like to work on it until then and hopefully improve it alot :)

I have found the book on Amazon - Thankssssssssssssssss

I am in Kent and I am so excited to be able to try and heal this naturally without surgery i am in tears yet again - lolol

Thanks so muchhhhhhhhh

Hi Sue...sorry your email wasn't answered. The DVD is universal and we've sent many to the UK - you might find one at flea market! :-) The book primarily explains why to avoid surgery if at all possible. Be sure to download the information on posture (on the home page) and understand that this is not a quick fix but a way to live well with a chronic condition.

p.s. I visited Kent once and loved it!

I downloaded the things on the home page - can see no pics and now they won't open at all as PDF and my computer are not happy :-(

Does the DVD have a different name than the book as i couldnt find it on Amazon


The DVD is called "First Aid for Prolapse" and it is not on Amazon. You need to have Adobe Reader to read the downloads and there is a link to that on the download request page.

Sue...could you email my publisher if you have further problems? Just send an email to and copy Thanks! (they know more about the technicalities than I do.) :-)

I went to see Dr today not Thursday - I no longer have a grade 2 Prolapse :-)

Now I have a Grade 1 1/2 - Yeah not much difference but it feels like alot in my brain - As the Kegels have stopped Urinary Incontinence and my Pelvic Floor is a bit stronger already - All I hafta do now is keep going - And get Your Video etc - And then I may feel better


She said this would not deter her from Havoing a final baby - So now it's all up to Us :-)

Gooooooood Stuff

Are there any exercises I can do right now while i await my book etc? Thanks

Dear Sue,

Now that I know you are currently pregnant, I suggest waiting on the video/DVD. Several of the exercises in that series should not be done in pregnancy. The book will open your eyes and allow you to see how important it is that you pay attention to this chronic condition so as to avoid surgery if at all possible.

Since you emailed me that you still cannot get the download to work, here is the standing posture:

1. Understand how important the arches of your feet are and go barefoot as much as possible. Walk with your feet pointing straight ahead and your ankles not bending in or out.

2. Do not lock your knees, but keep them soft.

3. Relax your belly over your pubic bone. This is like lengthening the area between pubic bone and navel. It is not a sticking out of the stomach, but a proud holding. The muscles should be somewhat firm, but never tense.

4. This creates a more pronounced curve in your lower spine. Understand that this curve creates the internal anatomy that keeps the pelvic organs positioned over the pubic bone.

5. Keep your shoulders down and your upper back flat and broad. Do not pull the shoulders back as in military posture, but press them down while broadening the area between shoulder blades.

6. Elongate your neck. Do this by making your head go up and forward by slightly tucking your chin. The human head is not meant to be carried out in front of the body.

7. The seated postures are sitting crosslegged on the ground (or any other surface) while maintaining all aspects of the upper body posture; sitting with a staight spine with your legs stretched out in front of you; and sitting on a small cushion with your legs folded underneath.

Work on this posture slowly and joyfully. Rest as often as you need to and understand that your entire musculoskeletal system is being reframed, so fatigue is a given. I have no idea what your physical limitations are, so check this program out with your doctor. Jane, our resident pregnant-and-prolapsed expert found the posture of great benefit while pregnant. In the final months, don

That is weird - I used to always be barefoot or just in socks and yet since moving here to Laminate flooring I always wear shoes - Interesting - Will go back to barefoot again then :-)

The relaxing belly over pubic bone is confusing to me...

I remembered last night - I know this Prolapse wasn't a problem in May/June as we were actively trying for a baby and If I had known about this prolapse i wouldnt have done anything like that lol (I am a huuuuuuge worrywart) So I think i noticed it and end of July or August...

Btw the shoes I always wear are running shoes - Would that make a difference?

They are old running shoes - I dont run (Boobs too big) but I liked the way they looked and have done alot of walking in them

I used to say "push the navel down and over the pubic bone", but that implied straining, which is not what we want. Just keep practicing all the components that I described to you (head and shoulders lead the rest) and as our member Joybliss said, "You just know it when you have it." The posture is very effortless once the body is trained to hold it.

Barefoot is best, especially outside over natural terrain. Second best is comfortable, supportive footwear and old running shoes are as good as any.

Also practice not straining at all on the toilet - you only have to lift up a half an inch and this is very easily accomplished by rocking onto your feet.

My toilet is raised by 2 inches (It is a disabed one here when we moved in)i didnt like it at first but now i like it :) Is that ok or should i still raise?

Got my sea pearls today they look tinyyyyyyy

The idea is not to have internal pressures stopping at your hips (the toilet seat). It doesn't matter how high or low the toilet itself is, but whether you can lift up a bit off the seat when you have to push. This creates a more natural half-squat and allows the organs to be unaffected by the raising of intraabdominal pressure.

Give the sea sponge a try. Some women find them very useful and others like myself (uterine prolapse), are more comfortable without them.

It's funny - Since doing the Kegels religiously - I feel so much better - I really think they shoulda told me after I had Forceps with son1 how important this is and HOW to actually do kegels right.

Son2 was a very fast birth - I only just got to the hospital(Was an ambulance strike on too lol) And again nobody told me...
I tore with Dtr and third time - nobody even once stressed to me how important this is - Not a wonder I got a prolapse really

Sufficed to say though - Now I do them religiously I feel sooooooooooo much better. Just before period is due it's usually at it's worse. This month period is a couple of days late but I am still comfortable - which is good. :)

And my mother is 61 and also has a Prolapse - lesser than mine I think - She is now also doing her kegels - And every time I talk to a pregnant or see a woman with a baby - If I kow them well enough I tell them about kegels and give them a reminder - :)

Maybe I should take the url of this site written in my purse :) Then i know where to send people if I find another with a prolapse who doesn't want invasive surgery etc :):)