one of those days . . .


Ahhh . . . I don't want to rant, and my life is so amazing in so many ways that I really can't justify complaining, but it's been one of those "one step back" kind of days. You know the kind. I really thought I had turned a corner, leaving that stupid bulge behind. I know this is not uncommon, but it makes me say "really? c'mon. really?" Blah. (Just using this forum as an outlet, to get the nasties out of my brain. DH and family are wonderful, but in all honesty, I don't like to share my crotch woes out loud). So, shaking it off now! Whew. Here's to a better tomorrow.

Oh those days are hard! Here's hugs to you...

It is so important to be able to share--glad you are, because it helps to calm and be reminded that tomorrow (or the day after) will be better. I think now, at 2 1/2 years, I've gotten much more used to "those days" and to knowing they will be followed by better days. Also they've become fewer and further between. But I do know for about the first 1 1/2 years they really got me down, so I understand!
Do something nice for yourself, and some good firebreathing, get on your elbows and give your body a break...
and i'm sure tomorrow you'll wake up a bit more lifted (or if not, the day will come!)

Thinking of you!
I second, get a good book/movie, some treat and have some good rest. This too shall pass!

I'm an optimist by nature so it stands to reason that I put a positive spin on everything. So, the day after a Bad Day is a Me Day. When my POP pops out it is a sign that I haven't been good to myself. If my POP is acting up my family notices, but not in a good way. It goes like this." Gee Honey, why didn't you do all of your usual solving the problems of the world stuff today?" Or... "Hey, Mom stop doing your WW workout and answer this phone, again." Maybe my POP is telling me that it is time for me to take care of ME. That's a good thing, right? Most of us are the type of women who are willing to sacrifice our own bodily comfort in the interest of giving life, hence motherhood, but we don't have to do It All everyday. Wishing all a good day. Happyheart


I hope you're having a better day today
but if not {{{hugs}}}
I've been there, its not fun. hopefully it will pass soon.

I thought today would be so good, got acupuncture and was feeling so hopeful. I even felt good when I left...then...the acupuncturist encouraged me to try and push the "hernia" back to empty it and put it back. (I have yet to "splint"). I tried and tried, I think I even strained (so sad about that). I guess it was empty I feel it again...maybe even worse?? I strained for a short time for fear there was something stuck there!!...I never thought I would envy someone elses health vagina.....I'm supposed to be so happy with my new baby and all, but I'm just very depressed, and my husband thinks it will all be just fine, because the doctor seemed to think it wasn't that bad. Well, it's not her cervix its hanging out of, it's mine!'s to tommorrow!

Just letting you know that your lament didn't fall on deaf ears. Don't be afraid of this thing. Get to know it as best you can but don't let it rule your life. That's what I'm doing and the frustration is starting to subside. I've heard it said on here that it takes a good 12 months to heal after giving birth and the other new moms seem to have found their way to healing and you will too. Also, with a new baby to care for sleep is in short supply but getting at least three hours of sleep in between night feedings enhances all kinds of healing.

thanks for the support, I hope to reach a better mind set soon!!!