Michael Jackson may be dead


Long live Michael Jackson. (Don't worry Newbies, this one only has meaning if you have been around for a few weeks.)



but I nearly choked on my cereal when I read Jackie's response!! Is that what it means?

I'm going to chuckle to myself everytime I see the crotch grabbing videos now.

Thanks for the giggle!

Off to finish my high fiber cereal now ;-) Hope the root canal goes ok.


No, nothing so sinister as that. It relates to my fruitless Googling to find out what a healthy menopausal cervix looks and feels like. All the images of a menopausal cervixes I could find were illustrations of cancer-affected cervixes, which was a bit depressing. Hardly a healthy cervix in sight, and no descriptions either. It made me feel like my (and other women's) healthy menopausal genitals were not important enough to even rate a description on the Web; that they are best left invisible and undescribed, a bit like the shrinking violets that menopausal women are (often, but not always) betrayed as.

My feeling around had revealed only a rather pointy, little lump which felt a bit like what I imagine Michael Jackson's nose would feel like. That's where Michael Jackson came into it. Oh yes, he was notorious in many places, other than modern music.

Yes, I have figured out that mine is pretty normal. It must have been in a funny place (surprise, surprise) when I felt it. The menopausal cervix, it turns out, does not stand out from the wall of the vagina like a doughnut, as it does earlier in your reproductive life. It is pretty flush with the vaginal wall, and because the whole uterus shrinks, I guess it is smaller, and can disappear easily into the background of rugae and other, dryish vaginal tissue. I had a PAP smear recently and the doctor had some difficulty finding it. I was able to tell her it was definitely there, so she should keep looking. Sadly, as a woman with POP, I was unable to give her any helpful clues at all. She just had to find it herself!

Hope you didn't choke on your bran RJ, and I hope MJ will be remembered for what he did well, rather than what he did badly. He will certainly go down as one of the greats of modern music and dancing.

