

Again, I'm grateful I can come here. I am so good in my mind in being positive. My feelings run deep on this pop issue. About my own and that it's such an untalked about topic. I've been feeling so angry - I'm continuing to do the good things to improve me - sometimes, when I'm feeling the pop, I think this is ridiculous. Why is this not changing, etc. I've been in the natural health industry for so long - I just get tired of having to do things just to maintain. I go thru the anger , fear, depression and well, acceptance? No, change is what I'm after.

A few mos. ago,when I was still so new to this website, I allowed myself to get a spontaneous astrology reading. This woman read me and the chart - not knowing a thing about me. She showed a symbol and said it was about a gynecological issue and that before the year was over I would need surgery or I wouldn't be able to work anymore. I said, well, I am dealing with a female issue, and am confident I can handle it naturally. She was very sensitive about it, and yet, quite adamant about this potential surgery, etc. Now, I want to empower myself, not give it away, and her info. comes up in my mind now and then, and I think what could possibly happen to keep me from working anymore? I mean, I don't have incontinence. Mostly the saggy feeling. I haven't chosen to continue with any kind of natural pessary, altho, today I'm considering the sponge again. And, it's the unknown which at times brings up fear, etc. So, if anyone can offer support to help me relax more with this, thank-you. I'm such an independent single woman without any family and all. Sometimes, I get scared. I've read a lot since I started dealing with pop (maybe too much) - hear some share about someone's organ coming out and having to go to emergency. Ok, anything's possible. I just gotta keep the faith and be positive.

Thanks to all who understand and share. This place is a blessing for me. dreamer8

Hi Mae;

I would totally not let what an astrologer told me dictate any health considerations whatsoever. I hope I am not offending anybody with this, but a decision about surgery involves you and your feelings about your body, and a (hopefully) trusted doctor. Anyone else, be they friend, relative, spiritual guide or astrologer, can have input, and you can give that input all the consideration it merits, but those of us with pop have enough to give us fear and frustration and sorrow without seeking it out in dubious places.

Just my opinion
Your mileage may vary


Hi Dreamer

Well ... now you know some things that might happen, and might happen differently.

You say your visit was spontaneous. There must have been something going on that caused you to go in and sit down and hand over money. I am always a bit wary, no, very wary, of these people who foretell the future. They play on our dreams and they play on our fears, planting outcomes that are in the future. Almost all people fear surgery, and almost all women have something ghynaecological that bothers them in some way. It is at the heart of our femaleness. I wouldn't take it personally!

On the other hand, they do give us words that enable us to look at our lives from a different view. I would not take her advice literally, and weave it into a self-fulfilling prophecy. I would look at the symbolism of what she is saying and see where and how it speaks to you. What she said was scary but you don't have to take it on board literally. Having said that, she has said what she has said, and you have heard it. Her words may colour your decisions unnecessarily. All you can do now is be very careful what decisions you make in the light of what she said. Goodness me, I am beginning to sound like a fortune teller myself!

My mother said
I never should
Play with the gypsies
In the wood.
If I did then
She would say
Naughty girl to



"I've read a lot since I started dealing with pop (maybe too much) - hear some share about someone's organ coming out and having to go to emergency."

I'm quite sure that with POP, this cannot happen, can it?
I mean someone's organ actually falling out (no longer being attached)?
I don't think this can literally happen.
Please reassure me. :-)

Mozart :-)

I have been reassured several times that the organs can only come down so far. Somedays I wonder though! I have been dealing with a cystocele for 6 months with no improvement. One thing has happened, my mental state has improved and I think time is the key there. I have tried to the best of my ability to carry out WW techniques and exercise without much success. Firebreathing made my cystocele worse, so I must not have the hang of it. Several weeks ago I went back to my old life, before the horrible bulge in my vagina appeared and I feel somewhat better. I try to walk more, but I sit in what chairs I want to, eat what I want to and try to stand and sit up straight, and that's it. I was so determined to do everything right, right posture, right food, right exercise that I think I drove myself crazy. I stopped medication, added supplements, tried to live more natural like in the book and DVD. Not for me, I got too stressed out. I have accepted my bulging bladder, it doesn't change much except to hang lower somedays, but mind is off it more since I started to relax more and quit trying to so hard. I applaud the success so many have had here, but I am not sure WW will work for me. I am fairly content without surgery for now, I will take one day at a time. Thanks for the support, I guess not everything is for everybody. Connie


I noticed that you have no contact information included, so members here cannot email you. Why don't you add it to your profile?


Hi Connie

I think you have nailed it. Getting uptight about the lack of success we are having is a surefire way of sabotaging the body's efforts to deal with POP. Stress will hunch us over. It will slow down the gut and cause constipation. It will exacerbate depression. It will make us tighen up and prevent us from relaxing. It will keep us moping around inside and prevent us from getting out and stepping out. It will hold us prisoner of sympathy.

Doing particular practices is only half the story. The other half is doing somewhere near what you need to do for as much time in the day as possible. Then relax and get on with your life. There is no point in telling yourself that it is not working.

If you remember, MeMyselfandI went through this same thing after some initial success, then said, "Blow this, I am just going to get on with my life! POP can try as hard as it likes to bring me down, but I won't let it!" Then she disappeared from the Forums in a frowning cloud for quite some time. Every now and then she pops back in. She sounds a lot happier for it.

I think we can put too much concentrated energy into something negative, so that it saps our energy for getting on with it. You will find your optimum path, then be content with it, whether it be WW techniques, your own tailor-made techniques or surgery.

Mozart has thrown down the gauntlet. So far, nobody has responded that their bladder or uterus has come right out. We're still waiting ...



hi goldfinch..
i to wish there was a personal contact on here as ive read quite a few responses and have found thats where it ends because that person has not been on line or come across what i was asking....and the posting get lost it is very frustrating trying to find postings youve added to or answered on here..we all need each others support and some more than most...its to risky adding your own email on here as this site can be read by anybody on the net...

oops...well i must be having a senior moment i have just realised that email messages can be sent..well we all have them and it is early in the morning lol...but i still cant find old postings..anyone got a map?

Hi Dollie

We all have 'fuzzy thinking' moments I prefer that to Seniors moments because there are so many other things that can get in the way of thinking 'perfectly' every time. Among them are being a teenager, being in love, being menopausal, being in another world, being under stress, not wearing your glasses, not wearing your hearing aid, being drunk, being male, being female, having beans in the ears and being blonde (must be the poisons in the bleach bottle!) or being an ex-blonde, or being Dylan Moran.

Re the old postings, they are not easy to find. It requires time and persistence, with a bit of luck. Use the Search box to put in keywords or a username. If it is a user name you need to select the User tab when you get a list of hits. The engine then searches just the usernames. Last time I tried the search engine wouldn't search parts of words, only whole words, ie text strings with a space at each end. Remember to use synonyms and alternative spellings too, before you decide you cannot find what you are looking for.

Longstanding members will have posted in hundreds of topics and there seems to be no chronological order in the hits. Use your browser's 'search this page for...' function to search each topic and highlight the search terms, then you just have to scroll through all the Comments looking for highlighted text. With any luck you will find what you are looking for. Lanny and Christine are hoping to improve this with the next version of the Forums.



"Mozart has thrown down the gauntlet. So far, nobody has responded that their bladder or uterus has come right out. We're still waiting ... "

Thanks, Louise and Connie!
I don't want to be the first one ;-) so that is very reassuring.

Mozart :-)
Mozart's Favorite Sister-In-Law, Sophie Weber Haibl, an 18th Century Woman

I know quite a lot about astrology. It is valid - extremely so. However, it is a very fine art - AND science. In my experience, only a small percentage of practicing astrologers have a good handle on it. The rest are pretty much blowing smoke. Astrology CANNOT be used to predict complete, specific events in the future. Any astrologer who tells you that you must have a surgery of a particular body part by a particular date or you will not be able to work is going well beyond the boundary of valid astrological application. Astrology can be used to illuminate patterns, tendencies, and textures, but is not a crystal ball.

Astrology is an interpretation of the universal pattern set forth with the Big Bang. (Or the Creation.) Like ripples in a pond, the ripple on the east side will mirror the ripple on the west side. You can draw an analogy between all the sides of the initiating event, but you cannot predict where each ripple will end. One side may hit up against a rock, the other, a boat dock or wildlife, or be influenced by differing structures under the water. Likewise we all have unknown unique influences - this makes predicting the future in terms of exact specifics impossible.

"...some share about someone's organ coming out and having to go to emergency."

I understand your frustration.
I hope that we will all improve.
I've written about this before on this forum - asking if one's (POP) organs here can literally fall out - and I was reassured that this cannot happen. So if this cannot happen, there would be no need to go to emergency on account of this......
Aren't I right? I NEED some reassurance again too - LOL.

Mozart :-)

Hi Mozart

I think we have to be a little cautious about saying it does not happen. I do know of women whose whole uterus came out at the time of the birth of a baby. My aunt had an hyst at the birth of her second daughter for this reason, so we will never know whether it could have gone back in and given her little trouble once the immediate shrinking back had happened, then the 12 months of cautious and patient healing had completed the reversion.

I remember a Member posted about this some time ago, but I cannot remember whether it was her own experience or relating the experience of another woman whose uterus was outside her body after the birth of one of her babies. I remember (I think) that she said that the woman had no subsequent POP problems.

So it definitely does happen, and it can resolve satisfactorily if the uterus is replaced immediately. I would imagine that problems could occur if the uterus is not replaced immediately, because that would stretch and probably damage the distended fascia as it shrank back quickly in the immediate postpartum period.

The Advocacy Project website describes cases of women with the uterus permanently outside the body, but these women in Nepal are treated as beasts of burden and go straight back to heavy physical work as soon as the baby is born, so intraabdominal pressure is at work preventing the uterus from going back to where it needs to go, and staying there. No 40 day lie-in period for these poor women! They also have untrained and badly trained birth assistants, and are often brutalised by their assistants during labour and delivery. It is not surprising that they need hysterectomies to be able to live functional lives!

I would think that the uterus being permanently outside the body is something that only happens where there has been a traumatic birth with the uterus coming right out, that has been badly managed, and the mismanagement is what causes the uterus to remain outside the body, and not go back in quickly so it can all shrink back properly, as the body was designed to do.

I would guess that there would be other medical conditions that would prevent a woman from keeping her uterus over her pubic bone. I am thinking of degenerative bone diseases and deformities which keep the pelvis counter-nutated. If the woman gives birth and damage is done, and she cannot pull her body up into healthy posture, *And* she goes back to heavy work straight after giving birth, *and* she is genetically pre-disposed to having less tough connective tissue, then it might occur. There are so many factors involved for all of us. If you draw too many short straws, then it may happen.

But the jury is still out. I am still waiting for a Member to report this happening to her. Waiting, waiting ...



Some anecdotal info to Louise's post . . . My aunt-in-law has had 10 children, all at home. On her seventh (?), according to my mother-in-law who was there for the birth, this aunt's uterus "turned inside out." They "pushed it back in." It's been three children and some 30 years later, and she has no uterine prolapse problems. It can happen, but the body is amazing when treated with respect.