Suggestions on whether to go to an m.d. due to experiencing a new/different kind of discomfort in pelvis.?


Hi all. I'm concerned due to more cramping pain/pressure and almost like burning in my vaginal area - I'm really adjusting my diet and walking more. Pop seems worse if I stand for really any length of time. I've got a vacation to Alaska in 3 weeks which I'm excited about - and yet, I'm wondering if it would be good to see an ob/gyn.before I go.? Ugh. I'm so pro-holistic. I do have my homeopathic/acup. dr., who has me on new herbs. He's good, yet he doesn't do gyne. exams. Any input is greatly appreciated. I fear most dr.'s as it is. I want to exercise more and am being so careful. Thanks for any input. dreamer8 (: will give you peace of mind.

Thanks. Peace of Mind would be helpful. I'm hoping for the best. Dreamer8