Has anyone chosen NOT to get pregnant again after prolapse diagnosis


Hello all,
I'm new to the forum, and have a question for anyone who has been diagnosed with prolapse and is considering whether or not to get pregnant again.

First of all, THANKS to Christine as well as everyone spending time on the posts. Christine's book has been my saving grace during a very difficult time. I'm 31 yrs old and was diagnosed with prolapse of the bladder (mild-mod), uterus (mild-mod) and rectum (mod) about six weeks ago. My son is 13 months old, and my husband and I were just about to start trying for our second when I got diagnosed.

To be honest, I'm just not sure that I have it in me to get pregnant again. I certainly haven't made any firm decision, as I think it's too early to say definitively. Plus, I've just started implementing the WW posture and exercises. But I think that on some gut level, I don't think it's worth risking making the POP worse. The urogyn I saw told me that the tissue b/w my vaginal wall and rectum is pretty thin, and I just hate the thought of tearing and doing some serious damage. My first pregnancy was a normal, unmedicated delivery in a hospital with a midwife with about an hour and a half of pushing and no tear -- I have no idea how the prolapse happened...

Anyway, I would really appreciate any feedback from people who have have pregnancies after prolapse, and those who have decided NOT to have another pregnancy after prolapse. I'm not sure I can take a leap of faith, even for another child ... I have decades ahead of me that I want to have the best quality of life I can have.


I had another baby after finding my prolapse, and I'm currently pg again.

however, when I first found the 'celes I was sure I'd never do the baby thing again, that it just wasnt worth the risk. which was pretty devastating for me because I wasn't 'done' having babies, ya know?

anyway, a year into this WW stuff and my outlook completely changed. firstly because most of my symptoms were gone, but more importantly, I had confidence in my body again. I felt that the prolapse was manageable and I was able to stabilize it. and even if it got temporarily worse, I would be able to stabilize it again. and that it wasn't worth the risk of NOT having that baby I felt was waiting in the wings to join our family.

long story short, my prolapse was no worse at 1 year pp than it was before I got pg that time. and a year later, it was even doing better.

my advice, not that you asked lol, is not to make this decision now. unless there is some reason that you need to. probably better to get used to this diagnosis and see what its all about and whats really going on with your body. when you're at a place of confidence, you can reassess.

I really would cut off my arm for a chance to have more kids- I just love my family so much and my children- each of them.
My prolapse does not have much impact on my decisions these days- If I want to lift I do, camp- I do, swim- I do, run- yes, jump on a trampoline- you bet!
and if we are blessed with another child- and my prolapse is worse- well- I'll deal. Right now the function of my vagina is fine- and by fine I mean- it does what I need it to- The prolapse in no way affected the births of my last 2 children. In fact during the labor when I was checking my dilation the prolapse was there (rectocele) but as the baby moved down and into the crowning I certainly could not feel any prolapse! And it doesn't bug me during pregnancy either.
Now....I must admit one fact- I am terrified to tear any more- I tear each time (4 times now) and have torn up to the internal anal sphincter- I do not want to tear through it. So I will be waiting a bit before getting pregnant (baby is 5 months now) to see if I can work out how to avoid the tearing.
Any ideas?

and by the way, congratulations on a great birth-It is almost like winning the lotto to have a great birth the first time out in our current birthing culture.

...but I know in 1-2 years I am gonna be ready again. I have 3 kiddos (my youngest being 10 months) already though.

But if you ask me now: NO WAY!!! lol

Hi Liv

God has a wicked a sense of humour.


HI Leslie,
I can understand that fear! It's really hard to imagine that your body can make it through another pregnancy and birth when you first have your POPs. But, as was said here, after giving WW time your body can change so much. I personally would give your body lots of time to get strong in the new posture, find it's natural shape, and really recover. I found teh recovery really happened for 2 years, but even now after over 2 1/2 years, i have huge improvements. I've been following Christine's guidance around anti-inflammatory diet, and wow, it's like a whole new body! The last few weeks I was away and eating enough Omega's 3's to turn into a fish, and wow did my POPs feel amazing--well, actually, i just didn't feel them at all! And I know only a bit of her new wisdom...I can't wait to hear the rest, as I know things will only improve more!

I do think you need to listen to your heart about this--and it's too early to hear that as it will be clouded with the emotions of where your body is at. So give it time. Come to grips with where you are at now, then think about the future.

but I do understand what a hard decision it can be... I had bad symphesis pubis last pregnancy, and that I have to admit has put me off any more. I still feel the remnants of it at times, and just can't bear to go through that pain again, especially not knowing what the aftermath will be in terms of pain / walking etc. So I have with some sadness decided to stop here, but perhaps it I was desperate for more I'd persevere. But my heart is happy enough to stop where we are at, and my life is very full especially with working and family. But if i knew I'd regret it I would have to listen to that. And, for me, if it were only my POPs, with all I know now, that would not stop me.... I do think not having the family you want is something we would regret--but you need to see what your own heart tells you.

about G-d's wicked sense of humor.
careful how you tempt the Big Guy. ask me how I know ;-)

Yeah, we'll see!

I really appreciate your thoughts! I think it IS way too early to make this kind of decision. In fact, my husband and I recently decided to put off a local move as well, just so that we can focus on wrapping our heads around the diagnosis. I feel SO incredibly blessed to have found this website and Christine's book/workout dvd ... it has already made a difference physically and emotionally for me. Thanks again ... I'm sure you'll be hearing from me on the forums again soon. :)

i think it makes so much sense just ot focus on you. after my POP, i dedicated that year to helping my body get better. we cancelled a long haul trip, really took it easy (as much as you can with two kids....), i didn't lift heavy stuff, ate well and did the WW stuff....i tried to make everything i did about healing. and it really meant i gave myself focus and attention, and i think made a huge difference for my body, and my emotional well being.
then, i was in a position to really move forward knowing where i was truly at....

Hi Leslie,

I'm just catching up on this forum again after not reading for a LOOOONG time, and lately my prolapses have been much more troublesome than they were and I'm realizing I need to focus a lot more on self-care... Anyway, just wanted to say that I completely get it. I asked a couple of different OB/GYNs about what might happen if I had another baby and they were very non-committal, but they sort of blew it off like, "Well it might get worse but you'll probably end up having surgery anyway." I swear, these are WOMEN - don't they understand that having things not be right "down there" is NOT OKAY? Nope - if they did, they wouldn't manage deliveries the way they do... But I'm getting ahead of myself.

I, like a previous poster, feel like I would cut off my right arm to have another baby. I have two beautiful boys. I love babies. They are growing up so fast. I always wanted 3. I don't feel done. But my husband is adamant that we are done and I know he is right.

My situation is complicated by hyperemesis, or extreme nausea/vomiting of pregnancy, which is pure hell and I don't know why anyone would sign up for it more than once except that you just can't remember how bad it was, and delude yourself into thinking things will be better this time. (They weren't the second time, and usually aren't for women who have had it twice.) But if it were only that ("only" - hah!) I might be brave enough to try again when the kids are a little older and more independent.

I realize, though, that I cannot take care of myself enough to keep the POP from worsening while I am that sick. I had a bad reaction to something I ate the other day and ended up throwing up, and I could feel my rectocele and cystocele bulging. I imagined the violent, uncontrollable retching nearly 24/7 for months on end and realized that can't be good for POP. I got really bad bronchitis with both pregnancies and couldn't treat it... again, huge coughing fits not good for POP. And finally, the medicine I HAVE to take for vomiting - Zofran, without which I would need a PICC line for nutrition - is unbelievably constipating. I mean truly like nothing I've ever experienced before. Of course, last time I took it I had no idea what all that straining was doing to me. But I can't treat it with dietary measures because I can't eat or drink enough! I always read not to use enemas, but in retrospect I absolutely should have.

So, the bottom line is: I see that for me, self-care would go out the window, and in that case I'm positive I'd get worse. I can't tell you how this complex equation adds up for you, or even how I would feel if I had one child instead of two. I CAN tell you that you are not the only one to worry about it, and that the decision not to risk your health any further is not an easy one to live with if you really wanted more.

Good luck,