Why is this happening?


I have a 'mild' cystocele and rectocele (apparently - they feel much worse). They are symptomatic most of the time although recently I was seeing some improvement. I recently had a missed miscarriage and because my body did not expel the foetus, I had to have a D&C last week. I was hesitant to have one and waited as long as I could before the hospital recommended it for my health.

Since having the D&C I have had worse prolapse symptoms and increased vulvar pain (stinging and pressure). I am scared that my uterus has prolapsed now due to the D&C (I read on here the link some have made between the two which is why I tried so damn hard to avoid the D&C). I am too scared to look to find out but also to see whether the other prolapses have gotten worse which it feels they definitely have.

I have found in the past a direct correlation between low estrogen and worse prolapse symptoms and I'm wondering whether the missed miscarriage and the D&C have made my hormones go haywire and that's one explanation for my worsening symptoms.

I should add that I have made a cursory glance with the mirror 'down there' while standing and there is nothing noticeably different. I'm just wondering whether anyone else has experienced something similar and whether there is any 'advice' someone might have.

I am feeling pretty low as you can imagine after all of this and now having my prolapses rear their very ugly heads again is demoralising and makes me feel worse. It is only a week after the operation and I have perfusive and bloody discharge. I have therefore avoided nauli, firebreathing etc until that settles down. I desperate to start again however as this has made a big difference in the past. Do you think I'm ok to restart the exercises now? Or, are there any other exercises to recommend? I have the book and DVD and am very familiar with both.

Thanking you all in advance,

Hi dearie,

I would give some thought to the significant trauma your uterus has just been through. It is swollen and inflamed - of course you can feel its condition. Please just breathe deeply and rest for now. Any and all exercise is surely to prolong your healing process. I'm so sorry this has happened, but you will bounce back to your old self in a few more weeks.



Hi FC12

You have had a nasty time. Same thing happened to me when I was 41. It can be a very lonely experience. Does your doctor know you are having this profuse bleeding? I don't know if it is normal or not. Mine was not profuse, though it may have been only a week after the D&C. I cannot remember.

Yes, your body has experienced a trauma, and no doubt you feel very wounded by it. This too will pass. Just be gentle on yourself. You have had part of a pregnancy, so your body may take a little time to get over what it has experienced, both the pregnancy changes and the D&C. I guess what you are experiencing is postpartum prolapse, but without the stretching of your tissues. Another way to think of it is like a major menstrual bleed. Many women experience a worsening of POP symptoms before and during menstruation, so I suspect that when the bleeding eases it will be accompanied by a decrease in POPsymptoms. Here's hoping. I would be treating myself as if I had just given birth, and rest as much as you can during the next few weeks.

It is tempting to want to move on and get on with your life and leave the lost pregnancy behind you. That quest to be distracted from what has happened in your body can lead you to inappropriate busy-ness if you are not careful to take appropriate care of your recovering body.

I am so sorry you have been through this.


I'm so sorry for your loss. and that it comes with worsening pop symptoms
I have no advice, only {{{hugs}}} & loving thoughts going out for you

I don't have advice either, but hugs for you
I am so sorry for what you are going through. I hope you are able to give yourself time to be with what you've been through, and help your body to heal. I hope you can find time to rest and take care of yourself, and I'm sure your POP will start to shift soon...

Your body has just gone through a pregnancy- I don't know how long you were pregnant but your body had trouble letting the pregnancy go. You may have some work to do in this area yet to help with healing. I would not do any abdominal vacuum type activities until your bleeding stops. Your uterus needs to heal now. You may find elbows and knees to help with prolapsey symptoms. Also drinking red raspberry leaf tea is very good for your uterus (though you may want to stop when/if you start ttc again).
Yes after a miscarriage your hormones are in a different type of balance. How long can you expect to wait for them to return to 'normal'? Well it depends on how long you were pregnant- some women show hcg in their urine for two months post miscarriage so you can expect a bit of time anyway.
I can't imagine plies would be a problem- and it will feel good to use big arm motions. I would also do the back bends from the dvd- keep your hamstrings long and loose and give yourself some time. You will be able to start again soon enough and will gain the same benefits even if you rest a few weeks to let the bleeding slow down.
(((hugs))) to you-

Thanks for the thoughts and comments. The kindness was unexpected but sooo appreciated at this time. As you might imagine, I am feeling better after 10 days or so since the D&C. The few days post op were the worst POP wise and I was also feeling very low. I have better days than some but mostly better than worse which is a welcomed relief. I'm getting better at knowing that setbacks with the POPs are just that, but this time round I think because I was tired and emotional I panicked.

I have stopped bleeding so am back to firebreathing and a little bit of nauli. It just makes me feel better in the head you know?

The POPs do feel a bit different sensation-wise. I still haven't checked with a mirror and won't until I feel emotionally strong enough. I can't help but feel that I know have a uterine prolapse to add to cystocele and rectocele. Oh well. Now that I feel that uterine, my cystocele definitely feels better so I guess you just trade!

Thank you again for your cyber affection and thoughts about my situation. It really is much appreciated.