Cystocele questions



How uplifting and encouraging it is to have this forum!!

I had a baby 8 weeks ago and now been diagnosed with mild cystocele. So scared. Can not relax my abs or pelvic mussels - scared that cystocele will progress further and eventually everything will drop on the floor. Awful. After reading so many forums in here my mind understands that i have to be patient and there is a chance situation will improve etc but sometimes my thoughts just run and i can not stop the panic... :(

I have now ordered K book and DVD but before it arrives (we live in the UK) i have some questions that hope you can help me:
1) what is the best position to sleep? Normally i sleep half stomach/half side with my leg on top of my husband (if that makes sense) but what would be the best position?
2) does walking make cystocele worse? I used to walk 7-10 km a day from week 4 pp. Now thinking that it is too much and i really should not have :(.
3) sorry my ignorance - what is WW posture? I understand book explains it but it seems so important that i can not wait for the book to arrive. Need to act now. Can someone maybe give a link on this forum where WW is discussed. I came across it on the forum many times but everywhere bits and pieces - would be good to have a full picture and start practising it now.
4) in addition to prolapse was diagnosed with anal tear (or anal fissure). One of the treatments for it is a relaxing bath every day for 20 min. would having it everyday make cystocele worse?
5)Assuming that bath is not a problem is there a position i should avoid or should be in while having it? If i just lie down my spine is like letter "C" - that can not be good, right?
6) Also it is my understanding from the forum that with cystocele squat position is the best when going to the toilet. Please correct me if i am wrong? I start practising it. Just sit on top of the toilet and noticed that i do not strain but the anal tear got worse. More painful and more blood. Just a coincidence or there is explanation to it and i should stop practising squat position? Any idea? Anyone with such problem?

Sorry for going on and on about it. Just trying to get my head around this problem with as much info as possible.

Thanks very much in advance! Sorry for any grammar mistakes - english is not my first language...


hi there, AK and welcome to the site
I'll try to answer some of your questions, or at least begin to

1- I don't think you need to worry too much about sleep position. the 'real work' is done while we are awake and upright. the position you describe doesn't sound detrimental.

2- walking, in and of itself, does not make a cystocele worse. many of us found, initially, that it was uncomfortable to walk too much due to the symptoms of the prolapse. but once you learn the posture, walking in the posture can actually help improve things.
so my advice here is walk to tolerance if its something you enjoy. once you get the hang of the posture, incorporate that into your walking.

3- go to and click on faqs. probably a good idea to read all of them, but if you scroll down the list you will come to 'what is wholewoman posture?' and 'what does wholewoman posture look like'. click there. that's a good place to start. also you can type 'posture' into the search box and probably bring up a bunch of posts. the more you read, the more you'll start to piece it together. also, ask any and all questions you have.

4- sorry about the anal tear. ouch. a daily bath shouldn't make your cystocele any worse

5- spine like the letter C is not great. sitting up is probably better though less relaxing.

6- careful with the squats. there's a 'full squat' where your bottom basically hangs down between your knees and your spine is pretty much straight. I do not recommend this position, and am not at all surprised if that makes the anal tear feel awful. this position puts alot of pressure on your perineum.
another way to squat is to have your feet flat on the floor, bend your knees to a right angle and stick your bottom way out. allow the low back to curve. this allows the bladder to fall forward (where you want it) and should help take some pressure off the anal tear.

8 weeks is still very soon postpartum. I think it is highly unlikely that everything will drop out of you. and not even possible for anything to fall to the floor. the posture is all about repositioning your pelvic organs so that they are better supported (over bone in your low belly rather than over the vaginal opening). it takes a while to get used to and sometimes takes a while to see any results, but it works.

in the meantime, there a few things you can do to prevent this from getting worse

-avoid constipation/straining on the toilet (which you're probably avoiding due to the anal tear or fissure)
-avoid tight/constricting clothes around the waist
-don't do any abdominal crunches or situps

that's all I can think of right now, I'm sure others will chime in

and congrats on the new baby!!

Hi Granolamom

Thanks very much for taking your time to reply to my questions!!!! Very helpful!!!