newbie: practicing posture and rectum pain


Suffering from rectocele and cystocele (sp?)

I have been practicing posture for about a week now. The last two days I've felt an achey pain when standing, lifting, and walking. Particularly lifting my 23 pound 10 month old. It felt almost generalized to my vaginal vault area but I have since isolated it as rectal pain. No pain when sitting or lying.

Is rectal pain common with rectocele? Could this be from correcting posture and muscle/ligaments and such becoming sore? Have others expereinced this upon beginning this program?

I don't seem to be constipated but have had what feels like gas pains in my abdomen.

I feel like a mess....

Hi and welcome TMR00,

Aches and pains are common when first instating the postural work. Shifting the outer framework realigns the pelvic interior and the guts often protest. You don’t describe sharp, knife-like rectal pain - but I like to let women know it is very common and transient, usually related to spasming of the pelvic floor muscles. It can be very alarming, though.

The cervix is attached to the back vaginal wall, which is attached to the intestines just above the front rectal wall. In this posture the uterus is being pulled forward by the round ligaments and it is taking the entire vault region with it - intestines and all. I think your intuition has probably correctly identified that pulling process, which is very good.

Any pain that intensifies or will not relent should be examined by a doctor, but what you describe sounds completely normal. Stay with it - but in a gentle way as you have the rest of your life to do this work. It will become very natural to hold your body in this way as your musculoskeleton grows strong and stable, and your prolapses are reduced.

Wishing you well,
