quick 6 week update


can no longer see my cervix
hooray for nauli!!!!
cystocele is larger than it was pre-pg but no larger than when I first found it. rectocele's a bit more prominent but giving me no trouble.
no bulgy-feelings anywhere

now I've got to get out the gloves and boots, we had a snowstorm yesterday and have almost two feet of the stuff to play in.

Great news, Gmom. Isn't it amazing that yoga had some of the answers to female prolapse all along, but they were never applied to women!

Have fun in the snow and Happy Hanukkah!

That's wonderful Granolamom! Glad to hear you are feeling well - no bulginess is great! Keep us posted.

Oh granolamom -- I'm so relieved for you! Just think how well off you will be in one year + six weeks!! Thank you for keeping us informed.

So happy for you, Gmom!

Hey Gmom!

You sound so happy, like you just discovered that you can trust your body once again!!

Enjoy the snow. We could do with a bit of snow around here. It was about 44 degrees C here today (many towns had 47 degrees) and Catastrophic fire danger with furnace-like winds from the north and east. Enough to melt a snowman to a puddle in the wink of an eye! Fortunately there were few fires, though some homes have sadly been lost in one fire about an hour's drive from here. Much cooler forecast for tomorrow.
