Clothing question for Christine


In the chapter on clothing in your book, you give the good and the bad materials used in clothing. The bad often have chemicals in them that give off vapors and cause us health problems. If these are worn over the good fabrics, is the result the same? For example, if you wear a cotton blouse and a synthetic jacket over it, does that produce the same result as having the synthetic fabric next to your skin? Just wondering.

Hi Joan,

This is something for you to test your own sensitivities on. I can't bear synthetics next to my skin, other than the 1 or 2% spandex they put in many of the "bottomweight" fabrics for making pants. There are so many great designs now in fabric stores by the way - from cordouroy to rich tapestry - all with just a little bit of stretch.

Gosh...with the amount of stuff we're exposed to these days, I suppose a little off-gassing from a polyester jacket is a drop in the bucket! You are the best judge of that, though. Just pay attention to how you feel when you wear it.

:-) Christine