Sleeping on Tummy


I prefer to sleep on my tummy at night and find this somehow allows the "insides" to fall into place, once the body is relaxed. Is this something that shouldn't be done? Makes me feel great the first thing in the morning.

I will have to share that I attempted the posture walk/sit all day yesterday and by evening, could barely walk due to my newfound muscles screaming "STOP!" This morning is much better and I find, due to my sitting job, I am able to sit in this new position. I just hope I am doing this correctly.

Here's hoping readjustment is a good thing for everyone!
;-) ~sybille~

Welcome Sybille,

Think of holding your navel over your pubic bone. This will create the lumbar curve. Maintain the head/neck/shoulders (very important) as instructed.

The exercises (navel to spine) are great - the posture essential.

Yes, the sponge can be worn all day. Keep bending over and touching the ground...this is very beneficial. Our hamstrings at the back of our thighs need to be long to hold the lumbar curve.

I like to sleep on my tummy,too. No problema.

Wishing you well,


Hi ... caution on over-doing any exercise and postioning. Time and patience will be on your side. You may want to try the sitting on a stool w/ your legs tucked back under you. It feels so-o-o good; like sleeping on the tum and all the stuff 'falling' forward. cool beans ...KB

Hi Coach!

I seem to gravitate to sleeping on my tummy each night - probably because of my rectocele.

I sit such a long time during the day, because of my keyboard work. (I do get up and walk around periodically). I noticed, when I was attending the gym more regularly, I wasn't quite so bothered by it.

Are there any particular pieces of gym equipment I should avoid, or use more often?


I'm so glad to read about sleeping on tummies. I had been thinking maybe that wasn't a good idea and have been sleeping on my back without a pillow or on my side, but the tummy is my preference. This forum is amazing! Thank you Christine for making this possible for all of us.

Wow...our old member Coach described the "potty posture" ages ago, but I never translated it to emptying the bladder...amazing...

Hi Trishanne. In response to your gym equipment question, I feel I damaged my vagina by using the "butt blaster" piece of equipment found at my gym. I started out using a 10 pound weight and perhaps I would have been all right if I had not increased this weight, but of course hind sight is 20/20. This machine works the back of your legs and I found I could really hike up hill without slowing down after working out with this machine. I decided to try a 25 pound weight and was amazed to feel as though my vagina was tearing. I just could not imagine why this area would be screaming in this way. I continued to use the machine for another week until the pain forced me to quit. I ended up with a groin injury and I would guess a vaginal wall injury. This too will pass. Hope this info helps.

Hi, I'm interested to know how you all get comfortable sleeping on your tummy. Do you use pillows? How do you support your head/ and breath? I find within a minute of lying on my tummy with my head turned to one side my neck is aching. Also do you hang your feet over the end of the bed? If not how do you stop the ancles from aching?
I would be grateful for your tips as I think I would benefit from sleeping on my tummy too. (At the moment I sleep curled up on my side with a pillow between my knees and feet to keep my hip level).
Thanks Caz

I always sleep on my tummy...even when I'm pg I manage to figure out a way to roll onto my stomach. I don't use a pillow and my feet do not hang off the bed, although that is probably better for you than allowing your hips to rotate so your feet point inwards (as mine do).

Initially I do use a pillow when I sleep on my tummy but find sleeping without one much better. I also bend a leg, knee almost to my chest. Very comfortable for me. Tummy sleeping allows everything to move to the front of the body and rest where it is supposed to. On fours and leg lifts are the only exercises I do. Of course the posture is when walking and sitting. I very rarely pull out of that.
