another (bad) medical prolapse video presentation


Hi WW,

Here is a perfect example of just how wrong the medical view of prolapse truly is. This doctor, who must be employed by Gynecare (Johnson&Johnson - one of the most powerful corporations on the planet, thanks to the surgical treatment of female prolapse), would be laughable if not so terribly dangerous!

His bit with the bulb syringe and pelvis model is ridiculous, but exemplary of the standard view of female anatomy and prolapse. The plastic mesh diaper he is touting is one of the most damaging surgical devices ever developed. The women in whom it is implanted are destined to live their entire lives with an unremoveable time bomb capable of causing tremendous inflammation, infection, and migration.

His photo of “uterine prolapse” is completely false. There is no cervix on that scarred balloon of a post-hysterectomy vagina.

The male inguinal hernia is interesting - and very serious! But in no way is that disorder analagous to female pelvic organ prolapse. The dynamics of the abdominal wall are nothing like those of the pelvic interior, and operations that attempt to “strengthen” the vaginal walls are fraught with failure.

The WW video presentation is still being edited and will definitely be up on the homepage by next Monday. At that point, I hope there is lots of lively discussion!


I find it hard to watch these videos. They give me the heebie jeebies. Interesting to see the black warning screen about the mesh popping up in the middle of it, eh? At least somebody is taking a stance of some sort.

Christine, I have a herniated bladder, in addition to a prolapsed uterus. I am most concerned about the bladder. The tear in the vaginal wall isn't likely to repair itself, is it? How dangerous is it for me to be walking around with the herniated bladder? I am doing WW posture, and exercise, but I am really worried about the bladder. Any suggestions? Thanks, tobia48

Hi Tobia,

All I can do is offer WW techniques in hope that they will be effective for you as well. We never know who will benefit from them and who will choose a more traditional mode of treatment. I don’t believe your vaginal wall is “torn” and can only refer you to all the women here who have reduced their symptoms with this work.

Perhaps it is dangerous for you to be walking around with a prolapsed bladder - I have no way of knowing. Are you climbing over barbed wire fences or straddling brick walls during the course of your day? One of the few treatment options gynecologists give women is “do nothing.” Therefore, I don’t believe cystocele has ever been considered a particularly “dangerous” condition.

Prolapse is significant, no question. However, the surgeries are terrible. Only you can decide which is more onerous and respond using your very best judgment.

Best Wishes,


Tobia, you say you have a herniated bladder. Isn't that just a central cystocele? Is there a difference?


Louise, my bladder has actually torn through the vaginal wall. It's not just bulging against the wall. When the Dr. did my pap smear, she mentioned that there was "bladder" material in the vagina. Is it normal for a tear to occur? This is what gives me the most concern. I don't imagine that it will get better, but if it's not dangerous, then I can live with it. tobia

Thanks for the info. I am doing the posture and exercise, and we'll give that a go, and see what happens. I don't want to have surgery, and will avoid it at all costs. Tobia

Hi Tobia

This sounds really weird. I think I would be asking him exactly what he means, and asking about the implications of it. I would also be asking for a second opinion.

I actually posted several years about the possibility of this and received no response at all from Members. My question related to women who had dry and easily damaged vaginal tissues as a result of oestrogen loss, and were worried about doing serious damage to the vaginal wall, ie breaching it. I asked whether anyone had ever experienced the vaginal tissues giving way and leaving the way open for vaginal organs to come out through a break in the vaginal wall.

Please check it out with the doctor, for the sake of your own wellbeing, and let us know, even if it is by private email.


Louise, I will get a second opinion....I was not impressed with the obgyn that examined me...thanks...tobia