

I love the new forum, so glad your back...I am still suffering with prolapse, mostly terrible bladder pressure, still inserting tampons which work well most of the time, i find them more comfortable than my pessary, i was just hoping that there was a new form of pessary shaped like a tampon, do you know of anything new..Please let me hear from you or someone with a cure, thanks, (Blondie)

You can read my story in menopause and prolapse, entitled broken tailbone. The cure to prolapse may not be as total as you hope. However, it will begin as soon as you take control of any "out of control" prolapse symptoms. 1. Change your posture, diet, and exercise. Give yourself time to understand your own body. 2. Let your family see how much you care about them by taking better care of yourself. 3. Most importantly, see this for what it is; a body change. Your are still the same person, but you might need to prioritize your life choices differently. My journey is not even one year old yet, and I feel better than I have in probably five years. Ask questions, the answers are here!

dear blondie, many women are successfully using our Sea Pearls sea sponge tampons for Prolapse. Visit our website at for more info. Peace, gloria

Gloria, I went to the website and read about the sponges, I will order them but most of the comments were about menstration, my prolaspe is the only reason I would need them, these are safe to s and will help hopefully..thanks Blondie