When I first “cracked the code” on stabilizing and reversing prolapse, and wrote and published Saving the Whole Woman, I set up this forum. While I had finally gotten my own severe uterine prolapse under control with the knowledge I had gained, I didn’t actually know if I could teach other women to do for themselves what I had done for my condition.
So I just started teaching women on this forum. Within weeks, the women started writing back, “It’s working! I can feel the difference!”
From that moment on, the forum became the hub of the Whole Woman Community. Unfortunately, spammers also discovered the forum, along with the thousands of women we had been helping. The level of spamming became so intolerable and time-consuming, we regretfully took the forum down.
Technology never sleeps, however, and we have better tools today for controlling spam than we did just a few years ago. So I am very excited and pleased to bring the forum back online.
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Best wishes,
Christine Kent
Whole Woman
April 11, 2010 - 10:24pm
You could try a different
You could try a different form of birth control pill. I used to get migraines too from my birth control pills. I went off, but have problems with fast-growing cysts and then was put on a diffferent hormore form of birth control pill. I did not have any of the previous issues.
I have a friend who got Mirena or something like that which is basically coils inserted into her fallopian tubes. Not sure what material they use or its safety. Condoms. Vasectomy (for your man).
April 12, 2010 - 1:17am
Ah the challenge of perfect contraception!
I don't have an answer, just some stuff to think about...In terms of if you can use the ring, it will be a matter of if it will stay in. Only trying it will see. With my pop i can't imagine anything would stay put enough to feel safe, but you'd have to try.
However, if you got your pop post trying a hormonal method, maybe there is a link...i'd think about that before you try again. could it make it worse? don't know. on the main page under the library is christine's new paper on LS, with lots of interesting stuff about hormones. have a read.
coils (IUD or the IUS (aka MIrena, though that again has hormones) do go in the uterus so aren't affected by POP, but again, if you are worried about the hormones the IUD might be better than the IUS / Mirena.
There is no perfect contraception--such a challenge!!! but do your research and then ultimately you just have to try stuff and see what works for your body...
April 12, 2010 - 11:50am
I didn't like using it with Prolapse
I started using the nuvaring after birth of my daughter (I'm 36) and my gyn said no problem with the prolapse. I found it irritated me and bothered me quite a bit. I think it contributed to inflammation of the tissues. Just my experience but I chose to go back on the pill b/c and felt better just a week after stopping the nuvaring. I just think the tissues were irritated by it and it didn't really stay in place very well. Sorry I don't have a better recommendation for BC I just know that the nuvaring was uncomfortable for me and I think it is due to the prolapse b/c my girlfriends w/out children and w/o prolapse don't feel the thing at all.
April 12, 2010 - 4:26pm
Birth Control
I've tried other forms of the birth control pill. Yaz lasted a whole one week -- it felt like I was being kicked in the stomach CONSTANTLY -- I just couldn't take the pain anymore and quit taking it so my stomach would stop hurting. I've had migraines before, but the OPTICAL migraines were totally different, and affected my vision and ability to drive. Plus I was a bit freaked out by them -- not quite the same as a hallucination (not that I hallucinate). The fact that I was having them (plus my age) was contraindicative to taking the pill. The next step could be stroke. I really like the idea of getting my tubes tied. Maybe I can get hubby to go for the vasectomy. I'm so sick of BC crap, and not quite endeared with having a female body these days, it just seems defective.
April 12, 2010 - 4:51pm
well, the fact that you are searching for a bc solution means your body isn't defective after all, right ;)
If you use NFP in combination with condoms (during fertile times) you can prevent pregnancy pretty well- if you add the pullout method to the previous two methods I bet you would be 100%
I am open to life most of the time (but would like to wait about half a year to get pregnant again) and since having my first child I have had only one cycle (and I suspect that it was a miscarriage) - so I get pregnant as soon as I ovulate-
I don't think the tubes tied procedure is super great-
and right now the idea of a vasectomy weirds me out (but hey the idea of fixing the dogs gets me upset too so don't listen to me- clearly I feel the need to have the whole animal kingdom procreating).
How about a cervical cap or diaphragm?
April 13, 2010 - 3:56pm
Just to say, withdrawal isn't super safe, so I would be really careful there. precum can't be felt, but carry sperm. be careful (i know lots of gorgeous babes born that way...).
anyone tried a cap / diaphragm with POP? i'd think a cap might get knocked out by the POP (your cervix also has to hang perfectly straight to work) but a diaphragm could work...
i started charting for NFP, but you have to be in bed for 3 - 4 hours before you take your temperature which is pretty much impossible at the moment with my little one, cause even if he's in bed with me i get woken up and then invariably need to pee having drunk a quart of water / tea just before bed...
but it can be very very effective.
i'm starting to think coil again. spoke to a friend who is a yoga teacher and she has one--and has never heard of it being a problem with all the pelvic work Christine does (which she does too).
any thoughts?
April 14, 2010 - 8:10pm
well, we were using spermicide before this last baby, and y'all know how that worked for us ; )
after the baby I was using a diaphragm + spermicide, which according to what I've read isn't all that effective either. plus, proper positioning can be tricky with a cystocele, I'd have to firebreathe while inserting and be real careful with removal not to tug on the 'cele. and the diaphragm is just a real PITA altogether.
so finally I just went and got a paragard (the copper IUD) inserted. I've been doing nauli and firebreathing with it in, just went for my follow up sono to check placement and its all good.
I really don't like the concept of an IUD, but bc is (for me) choosing amongst the bad options. no perfect method, and right now I really need something reliable. hormones are out of the question for me (age + migraines + history of breast lumps = really no good and anyways I like me better when I'm not on synthetic hormones. they screw with my moods).
so thats what my experience has been.
April 15, 2010 - 3:41am
Whole ...
Wholedogs, Wholecats, Wholeparrots, Wholeguineapigs, Wholerats, Wholerocks? The mind boggles!
You thinking about having another baby????
Louise :-)
April 15, 2010 - 11:08am
Sombrerokitty, I don't have an answer or experience with your problem, but since you're writing about Nuvaring, wanted to get in on it. My 19 year old daughter has had one for 5 months and is doing fine. But i'd like to learn more about the nuvaring from sources like Whole Woman in order to be prepared for any imbalances that she may have in the future.
April 15, 2010 - 2:47pm
HI Gmom,
thanks for the update. that gives me confidence. i don't like the idea of the IUD either, but pregnancy just is not an option for me. my SPD was too bad last time, and i can't risk it. i'd love another one, but not at the expense of being able to walk. i was worried about doing the firebreathing etc, but having heard a few yogaers say they are okay + you, i think i might just bite the bullet and go for it!
PS gilagal--have you read christine's paper on hormones (about LS) in the library? interesting! makes me wonder if my LS which clearly started as a teen though i had no idea, was related to taking BC pills when i was a teen. who knows. never will know, but wish i did!
April 15, 2010 - 5:03pm
I'm going to start a support forum for dogs and cats :)
Hey! glad to know the coil isn't a problem with Nauli or firebreathing- If I couldn't do that I would be so sad.
and yes- thinking about a baby- not actually working on one :)
just thinking
but I want at least half a year before- so not worth getting a coil- and I won't touch the hormones
so we are left with lactational amenorrhea- which will be fine just fine with me
Nurse baby nurse-
April 15, 2010 - 10:10pm
nauli & bc and lactational amenorrhea
I'd be so sad if I couldn't nauli too
told dh that if I couldnt I was getting the coil taken out and we'd have to come up with another plan
bf doesn't work for me (for bc I mean)
got my cycle back after 7 mo last time, and I think I've had a period already. not 100% sure if it was a period or related to the IUD but I **think** it was a period due to the symptoms
I wish it lasted longer because truly that is the ideal way to space babies, imo
and seriously, alemama, five is awesome! was overwhelmed at first, probably because I was so surprised but a handful of kids is just the same as 4, but with another personality added to the mix. makes me think about 6........