overwhelmed with it all


hi all,

i just found out i have "slight to moderate cystocele" after having two cycles of ovulating that just didn't feel right. it felt like something had dropped. (seems my symptoms flare up only with ovulation, does anyone else experience this?) i recently had my 3rd child. he is now 9 months.

i am feeling so overwhelmed by it all. i have a home daycare in which i am constantly lifting. i wonder, all the time "is my posture right?" "am i making things worse?" and what about holistic healthcare? i was referred to a p.t. who uses bio-feedback and also to an acupuncturist who uses thereputic yoga. i am using christine's dvd and it seems to be helping.....but do i need to see someone on top of that? help! has anyone used alternative holistic healthcare to address the issue of prolapse and if so were you happy with your results?

in desperate need of advice -lalita

Hi Lalita

Just found your post. I am too tired to answer you now, other than to say that someone will respond. I'll see if I can get to you tomorrow. Gotta sleep now. Childcare is hard stuff, but we can come up with some ideas for you, I'm sure.


Hey, Lalita,

Welcome here, you've come to the right place.

Yes, it is awesome that you are doing the DVD excercises. For me Nauli and firebreathing helped the most, I just love the lifting effect of these excercises.
When you lift a kid, try it with the lumbar curve in place (bend from the hip I guess), and you'll be fine.

...and almost forgot: 9 months is still rough. When my 3rd was 9 months old, I still was a wreck. Now he is 18 months old and I feel almost like my old self. I never went back to normal, but I am 100% fine now with my "new normal" if it makes sense.

One more thing: ovulation. Yes, yes, yes! My symptoms are worse around ovulation too.

Feel free to ask all your questions, we are all here to help.

but keep it balanced. You speak of 'alternative holistic healthcare' and that is a big, big animal (a very good one, however;)) Perhaps I see things a bit black and white but currently the world of medicine has a box of goodies to offer, and holistic modalities have another box of goodies. Jumping into the medical model is a massive decision to make, as is going crazy with every alternative method out there. Take your time, stay with WW since, as you say, it has already helped, and see someone else if you feel the need. You may want lots of support along this process but remember that you are the authority on what is happening in your body. Others may have incredibly helpful ideas and tools and information on what you are experiencing, but this is an adjunct to your ow healing, this is not healing in and of itself.
And yes, ovulation seems to be a hard time for prolapse, the hormones are all askew and things sag. Look at it as a way to keep a bit of a barometer on your healing and POP, if you know that cyclically there will be changes, you can use this to your advantage to keep a very close eye on things, for yourself.
Bug hugs lalita, stay strong!

I agree with clavicula; I think that for a mild-moderate pp cystocele, 9 more months will bring even more improvement! I too feel almost 100% at 18 months pp. In the beginning, I did many sessions of acupuncture and Mayan abdominal massage. I don't know how much these things helped, but they sure didn't hurt. Nauli, and walking, standing, and sitting in ww posture helped a ton. As for lifting little people . . . I do one of two things for any load I'm lifting. Sometimes I make like Prince Charming and kneel down on one knee. This allows me to keep my upper body posture and lumbar curve. I use my arms to pull the little one close in, then my quad strength to push to standing. Great quad workout!! Or, I do a deep plié in second position, again using my arms to gather child to chest and quads to push to standing. Hope this helps!

gosh, i feel like my heart just opened with all of your kind advice and wonderful responses, and out poured all of my tears. i am still crying as i write this. the encouragement and knowing that i am not alone on this new path is really a beautiful thing. so thank you all for reaching out to me and releasing me from what has felt like isolation.....today i am going to breathe a little deeper and walk a little taller :) -lalita

Welcome to the ww family! I am quite new here and I must say it has literally saved me mentally, and so helpful physically! I have learned so much from everyone and have so much more to learn, especially about my own body. I really did not know it was actually a stranger to me until now. Kinda like a blessing in a strange way. Lalita, really felt like my life was over until I met my new family. I had shed so many tears and was having so many panic attacks but things are improving. Stick with everyone on this forum and you will learn and grow and especially know that you are loved!!!You are not alone!!!

I lift kiddos just like you describe
deep 2nd position plie or down on the one knee (the prince charming :))
glad you are feeling less alone- I know that was a really hard part of prolapse for me, the isolation. ugh
It gets better.

Hi lalita and All
This is my third year visiting this site and in my darkest times it has been my lifeline! I have dealt with my cystocele and rectocele for three years and now that my daughter is 2 (she is my second child) I have a lot of better days...thanks for responding to my post earlier! it is ironic that they connect and amazing that I am learning from you...this is one of the many reasons this forum is amazing! Like I had said, I was worried that I had pushed myself too hard once I had started exerising but I think you are right...ovulation could be the trigger...All the best to you!

hi kay,

does that mean that you were diagnosed with pop before you second pregnancy? -lalita