gentle labor vibes for rosebud


hi rosebud
just read in your response to lalita that today's your due date
so sending lots of love and gentle labor vibes your way
keep us updated!

The vigil begins! (Not the one where we ask if you have had the baby yet, but the one where we send support to you as you prepare to birth your baby). Best of wishes for bringing this baby earthside, rosebud!

thanks ladies. still no baby yet....daddy's even starting to talk to her about coming out.....LOL....hopefully it's soon, before they induce Wed morn..... mommy's sooooo ready!

Oh Rosebud, That waiting at the very end is a killer. There is excitement and tiredness, and energy and apprehension, all rolled into one. Hang in there lady! I only had one totally spontaneous labour, and I was so glad we were able to let it happen in its own time. Twenty three years later I still remember the feeling of power I had as my real labour began, after months of Braxton-Hicks contractions, then a period of quiet, before I realised that they had returned, but they were really businesslike and regular, but about five minutes apart, like a big rhythmic drum beat. I was seized by the need to push our toddler in his stroller for a long walk. I guess it was a need to just be kind of by myself and identify with what was happening inside me. I was so excited!

You know, I felt like a bow that was loaded with an arrow, and held back by really strong arms, ready to launch myself into birthing this baby. Of course he didn't come out quite like an arrow given flight by a bow, but there was this feeling of being primed and ready for action. It was so amazing. Once labour was estblished I felt like a steam train, not huffing and puffing, but being driven by something bigger than myself, steadily towards the birth.

I do hope you get some of this positive energy for your labour and birthing. Be patient. Your body has its own plans. I am sure it will go well.
