Hello again after a lengthy break


I was around back in december and january, lamenting my prolapses and asking any number of questions. Since then i went travelling round the world with my husband and toddler (which didn't seem to make my POP much worse, surprisingly) and perforce cured me of my checkorama, thank god! I honestly can't remember when I last got the mirror out and contorted! And I'm no longer walking around rummaging in my pants like an adolescent boy! I honestly thought in my darkest days that I'd never be able to think about anything else again, but I guess we women are made of tough stuff.
Why's this post in the pregnancy section?
Because the 'tummybug' I brought back from Malaysia has infact turned out to be bubs number 2! A very happy surprise!
I'm only 12 weeks, and so far not much discernable worsening of my symptoms (and don't even think about getting that mirror out!), apart from constipation when I give in to my cravings and just eat carbs for a day! But that really is just my fault...
I'm determined to have a natural birth, and avoid another episiotomy at all costs.
I don't really have many questions at this point. I feel to sick to do the dvd but I walk (with a stroller, in the posture!) everyday, and I have an exercise bike that seems to be ok. Is there really much point in doing the exercises from the dvd when your pregnant, as my organs are already going to be pushed up and forward by the growth of the baby? There, i knew I could come up with a question!
That's it. Just wanted to say hello again, and that it's nice to be back. (Or as nice as it can be, to be talking about your pelvic organs making a bid for freedom through your vagina... ;-)

That is so funny
'the tummy bug I brought back from Malaysia'

That is going to be some conception story! Don't be surprised if your baby comes out an international traveler with a passport instead of a placenta :)

So happy for you and your family. and so glad to hear that your trip did not make anything worse. and that you have cured your checkerama disease.

Can't wait to hear how you go.
and yes. keep exercising it's good for you and your baby (really- trust me!)

Good to have you back and congrats on baby #2! Conception story is hilarious!
Please, keep us posted, we love pregnancy reports here on the forum!

...that you didn't have a tummy bug after all ;)
Welcome back and please share as much as you can about your pregnancy with POP and your postpartum experience (i know, thinking very far ahead) as this is a particular interest of mine and will no doubt be invaluable info for other women.
Exercises - what can it hurt? Use how it feels as a gauge but while the exercises help with organ placement, they also help with the body learning how to hold itself and become it's own support system. I don't have POP and have benefitted greatly from WW work, so there you go, it is simply a return to natural posture, pregnant or not, POP or not
Happy gestating!!! Oh, and just out of curiosity, where did you visit other than Malaysia?

and congratulations! surprise babies are fantastic : )
keep exercising as long as it feels good and right is what I say.
enjoy your pregnancy!

Thanks for all your encouragement ladies! I decided to have a look today for the first time in ages... just in the name of research of course... and I'm pretty darned pleased! My POP is certainly no worse than it was before I got pregnant, in fact it looks pretty happily tucked away. Hmmm. I hesitate to say it looks it better coz I know tomorrow could be a bad day, but each day as it comes, and I'm smiling today.
So, I put it down to being constantly in the whole woman posture, and always always bracing and pushing my tummy out when i lift things. And that happens alot with my 10 kilo toddler who currently wants to be "uppies Mummy" all the time.
Yeah, I'm pretty stoked, and there's no way I thought I'd be saying that 5 months ago!
So newbies, hang in there coz it does get better, and more importantly your peace of mind, self love and confidence will return. It's taken me a good 6 months, and is largely due to the wonderful support and advice I got from Christine's work and the gals on this site.
Alrighty, fingers crossed today's not an anomaly!!

Hi cararosesmum

I think I read a while back you are in Melbourne, is this right?
Well just wanted to let you know that I know of a FANTASTIC yoga style birth prep course for natural birthing. I know the lady who runs it and I did it myself last year and highly recommend it. I am pretty sure from memory that there won't be any contraindications for WW stuff and the course, it is done with your partner and was invaluable to me.

If you are interested let me know and I'll send you a message as I think I'm not meant to name actual places in the forum.

That is if you are in Melbourne at all! ha ha

Congrats on the new pregnancy, how exciting, just love babies and being pregnant, what a magical time.


Hi there,
that sounds amazing, I'd be really interested.I live in geelong, but can easily get to Melbourne.

Hope you're coping ok, it does get better I promise. 6 months ago I was beside myself, now I just love my body for asking me in it's clumsy way to start looking after it better. And at least we can pass on this knowledge to our daughters, and stop them going through this. It's very empowering.
take care . xx

Hi Cararosesmum

This is wonderful news that you are expecting again. That is the best way to conceive! My DS2 was either me going around the twist, or a tummy bug, or pregnancy (ha-ha-ha, as if!)

It is just lovely having reached menopause, watching and reading and being thrilled by other women having babies. I still have the odd dream about having another baby, but I am neither happy nor sad when I wake from the dream and there is no baby. Dreams like this take me back to a very fulfilling time of my life.

I wish you all joy for your pregnancy and beyond. I do hope you will keep us posted. It really doesn't surprise me that your POPs aren't giving you heaps of trouble. Your body was designed to do this!
