magnets for period pain / menopause


i just randomly came across this-- magnets you wear on your underwear to help with period pain or menopause symptoms...strange! apparently great results (of course), including a trial of random women from a newspaper...

anyone ever heard of this? just curious--not rushing out to buy, says something to do with reducing lactic acid in the body (re period pains), no idea re menopause...

I've seen the magnets meant to relieve back or joint pain. never tried it, seems to far fetched to me, but I can't see the harm in trying it out.

on the topic of period pains, however, I had TREMENDOUS change after eliminating dairy and caffeine from my diet. went from two days/cycle of debilitating cramps pain. that was enough motivation for me to give up my morning coffee.

i don't generally get period pain, i was just so curious about these! my pain definitely has gotten better, but i do get a HORRIBLE headache in the first couple days that is hormonal as it is every month. can't figure out to get rid of it. wondered if it could help, as the menopause page talks about it helping everything... i too can't figure out how it could help, but doesn't seem like it could hurt...

Hi Kiki

I have a friend who used to get totally debilitating migraine before a period. Cutting out dairy made an enormous difference. I think she also cut out chocolate, but I think she only ate milk chocolate, so cutting out the dairy in chocolate may have made the difference there.

I agree about the magnets. I would give them a try for almost anything, but do be careful with them if you have little children around. Those very little baby round magnets are very strong. If a child swallows two of them they can attract each other through the intestinal wall and cause blockages by carrying bits of intestine around the body following the other magnet. Nasty stuff.