prolapse and no pessary?


Do many of you not wear a pessary and still have a normal life? My doctor tried to fit me with a few pessaries and they were all painful. Now I don't have one in and I am going on vacation for about 12 days. I hope my insides don't fall out while I am out of state. I suppose when I return I will try a couple of other pessaries and hope one of them works.

I used sea sponges and tampons in the beginning, but haven't needed them lately. The exercises and posture will give you the muscle strength you need to get along just fine. It takes time though. Learning how to nauli and firebreath throughout the day helps bring things back if you can't take the time to recline and rest. Remember, newbies, rest is a real part of recovery.
Keep asking questions.

Hi Snickspar

Yes, I used to use a pessary about 15 years ago, at about your age, but it never really was satisfactory, too uncomfortable.

Since really identifying the need to do something about my POPs about 6 years ago, and starting to use Wholewoman techniques I have never been tempted to try any pessary. I would rather do without, and find that I can use my own body to retain my pelvic organs and do about 90% of the stuff I could do before. I really think most of the other 10% was stuff I shouldn't have been doing in the first place. I no longer play jarring sports like netball, but I dance regularly and am active as a handyperson and garden person, and around our little rural property. I only experience prolapse symptoms occasionally now, and never get the feeling that it is all falling out.

Admittedly, now I have experienced menopause my uterus is tiny compared with the size it was. I really think it is during perimenopause, when oestrogen levels are decreasing, which makes the vagina drier and the uterus to do strange things, and our bodies are starting to sag all over, that we really come face to face with POP. If you can get through perimenopause, then post-menopause POP doesn't get any worse, and may get better.

It is posture, diet, clothing, and changes you can make in the way you use your body in exercise and everyday living tasks that will make more difference than a pessary. I regard getting a pessary as an ace I still have up my sleeve it I need it later, but that is looking less and less likely. There are no rules here about avoiding pessaries. We will use whatever tools we have to, in order to avoid irreversible surgical alteration to our natural support mechanisms. I just choose not to.


Thanks for your reply. I did order the DVD, but unfortunately will not have it before I leave for vacation. I don't know what is meant by "firebreathing". I am in post menopause and this has just began. Diverticulitis brought the whole thing on.

Put it into the Search box and see what others have said about it. Christine has written an Appendix about it in Saving the Whole Woman, which is more comprehensive than the DVD.

I try to firebreath (look... I have created a new verb!) every day. I hope I am doing it right! I am so looking forward to the exercises on the Whole Woman Site in July!

lots of us here don't use them. despite having very bad proplapses, the doctor said he wouldn't recommend one for me and i too have never been tempted. i occasionally use a tampon to support my rectocele if it isn't behaving, but that is it.
have a great vacation, and don't worry. you will be fine. practice the posture, relax on holiday, and we'll see you when you return!