could be interesting

didn't read it yet
could be interesting though
and has mri images I think

tmi alert if you have problems reading about sex don't go to the link

Interesting article, alemana. I am having a bit of a Mary Roach (author of 'Bonk') moment and finding certain parts very funny, particularly "Only the first couple was able to perform coitus adequately without sildenafil (experiments 1 and 2). The reason might be that they were the only participants in the real sense: involved in the research right from the beginning because of their scientific curiosity, knowledge of the body, and artistic commitment. And as amateur street acrobats they are trained and used to performing under stress." Street acrobats ;)

So they debunk Masters and Johnson's claim that the uterus grows during coitus, though it does seem to move up a few centimeters and the anterior vaginal wall lengthens. Check out the retroverted uterus in Figure 3 and the angle of the pelvis / organs in figure 4....

Her uterus is completely retroflexed and where is her rectum?l

The rectum is smushed between the uterus and the sacrum, it looks like.

Wow! Cool.

How could her uterus expand? There is no space for the retroverted uterus to expand into, except sideways, and you can't see that in a 2D image taken in the sagittal plane! They seem to be very sure of themselves with very limited data, if you ask me. They obviously had a lot of fun doing it though.

I don't think sex inside an MRI machine would set me up for any sort of orgasm, personally.

Re the Riane Eisler interview in The Theatre, it is all rather male-oriented, isn't it? I wonder why?