Confused about Grades of Prolapse



My physical therapist said I have a grade 3 uterine prolapse (also rectocele and cystocele, not sure what grades). However, I read in STWW that grade 3 means it's out of the body. My cervix is not outside me; basically, if I separate my inner labia I can feel and see it, so I think that means it's at the intercoitus. So, is this grade 3 or 2?


Perhaps the original grades were expanded from 3 to 4? Christine defines grade 2 as at or near the introitus, 3 as protruding beyond the opening, and 4 as complete eversion (page 32 of STWW). I have always thought grade 3 was at the opening and 4 was past it.
Of course, it doesn't really matter, though a common language is always nice.
Remember that you are not a grade of prolapse anymore than you are the prolapse itself...what you know is what you said, that your cervix is sitting right a the introitus. This hands on information is plenty, you have a baseline (whatever that may be) irrespective of how the bits in your pelvis are defined, which is clearly dependent on who is doing the defining ;)
I am a bit of a pedant though so I totally understand your question. It is kind of like categorising perineal tears (1st - 4th degree) or defining where a baby's head is in relation to the ischial spines (-3 or so to +3, bear in mind that these are all defined by often nebulous at best).
But, i digress. I reckon you can define it however you want to, or perhaps name it and take it out to dinner :)

You're right, it doesn't really matter, but I guess I am a pendant, too. I like to understand things. It helps me deal with stuff.

Don't know what I would name it. Perhaps I should ask my husband for help, since men have been naming their parts for eons. ;-)

I tried to use common medical systems for grading, so we would all be on the same page. The Baden-Walker system "consists of four stages: I: bladder descent toward introitus with strain, II: bladder to introitus with strain, III: bladder outside introitus with strain, and IV: bladder outside introitus at rest." I think the POP-Q uses a similar objective system. In reality, prolapse moves up and down throughout the day, so any system of grading can only be considered a guideline.