

Is wondering what my chances are that my prolapse will worsen after another pregnancy? Do they always worsen or can they sometimes stay as they were prior to pregnancy. I am told that the worst damage is done with the 1st pg, is this true?

My son is 10 weeks old this evening. I have been prolapsed for 8.5 weeks... I am told it will get better with time. I pray to God that it does. I am so thankful that the pain is minor so far. I have order a sea sponge from jadenpearl to see wut that's like. Hopin for some success there. I really want this to be ok...

well, why leave it to chance?
my guess is that all prolapses when left to chance, will eventually worsen with time. because if whatever allowed the prolapse to develop, if not corrected, will still be the system in which they will be allowed to worsen. especially with repeated pregnancies and exposure to gravity.
However, you're here, so obviously you don't plan to take any chances.
the posture, exercise and lifestyle advocated here are not about holding your breath and hoping for the best. its about creating a system of stability for your pelvic organs and strengthening the support system.
my prolapses did not stay the same after having two more pregnancies. they are smaller than they were before. and that was not due to chance or good luck, but to lots of attention to my posture. and some firebreathing and nauli thrown in.
many pp prolapses do get better on their own with time, but I wouldn't just hope and pray and leave it at that. because even if it disappears on its own this time, I'd want to know its really STABLE and that I could sustain that stability for as many pregnancies/births as I wanted. and then through and past menopause.
my personal experience was that my prolapse was worst at around 12 weeks postpartum and then began going back to my pre-pg baseline. you can do this.

Dear New_mamma,

Stick with Granolmama she has sound advice and good encouragement.

Congratulations on your baby boy's ten weeks, a whole two months and one half, a bit of a milestone don't you think? How beautiful is he? Is he smiling yet? I remember what a happy, busy, scary time it was when I brought home my first baby. I wish you mostly happy and just a tiny scary. What was it old men used to say "may all your problems be little ones".

As to the future from my limited experience (the study of one) the prolapse will get better. Be careful with it, don't go lifting heavy prams down and up three flights of stairs, avoid grocery trolleys with stuck wheels, you know the drill.

If you become constipated or are suffering diarrhoea change your diet, then if it persists (as they say) have a rethink. If you are breast feeding, remember you are eating for yourself as well as the baby, doesn't mean more so much as better.

But what is the pain you are talking about? Tell us what you love about your baby and tell us about your pain. Someone here will be able to talk to you about that. What did your doctor say?

Hang in there

Just a quick post with little one on my lap....

Baby #4 arrived the end of July (a precious incredible wonderful little girl loved dearly by three big brothers).

And I am ecstatic to write, prolapses are just fine!! In some cases better than before I had her! 7 weeks PP now, working hard on posture (as best I can), but things seem to be staying put 90% of the time!! (or maybe I just dont' have time to think/worry about it (aka checkorama) living in a new country with 4 little ones 5 and under!

I think the best part this time is that I had the whole pregnancy to think about how I wanted to birth, how I would handle postpartum differently and how I could be more gentle on my body. This was the easiest recovery by far!

I was devastated finding prolapses after #3 and feel like it robbed me of enjoying him those first (many) months. Even though women told me over and over it would get better...I just couldn't believe it. THEY WERE RIGHT!!! It will get better!!!!!!

And yet, I was terrified when I found out I was pregnant...but was really intentional about things I did, things I ate, how I stood, and I think that made a huge difference.

Thrilled to join the ranks of women who have had babies after finding prolapses (uterus and rectocele), and be able to encourage other women that they can manage their minds (the biggest problem), and bodies and welcome more little ones into their families!

And for those who offered thoughts/suggestions about labour and delivery a few months back...we delivered at the hospital (arrived 45 min before she was born), and there was no doctor there, just the nurses, and everything went (thankfully and praising God) just as we wanted! In fact, one nurse said she wished she had a video of our delivery to show other women as encouragement, and the young nurse who delivered the baby told us she would like to have a delivery like ours!

Be encouraged that things will get better new_mama, and that down the road you will be totally ready to have another little one with a body that is stronger and more prepared!

Canadianmom, thanks for the encouargement. If this is personal just say so but I also live in Canada. Actually in Ontario. You don't happen to be in Ontario do you? I dream that someone on here will end up living in my town... Laughs...:) what did you eat while ur pg. Please fill me in! Was it basically to keep from getting constipated or was it for something else I now eat 1/8-1/4 cup flax seed in my yogurt daily and that has fixed my constipation problem. So glad cuz normally I'd needa eat the entire produce aisle in order to stay regular.
Fab, you should see my son!!! He is SO perfect! He weighs 13 lb. 2 oz. now. I love his chubby little legs n arms... One of my favorite things is how right before he cries he sticks his little bottom lip out and it quivers. I love all those baby things like the smiling and cooing and how when I change his diaper he pulls his little legs up to his belly. I am forever in love. I'm already dreaming of baby names again. I'm thinkin Kyle Drew for a boy and Hallie Jade for a girl but we'll see.
My doc doesn't knows beans about prolapse issues! I've ceased to ask her opinion because its NOT useful anyway. I'm waiting til my gyn appointment in Oct. to ask questions.
Anyway I must go,

I grew up in Ontario (just outside the GTA), and still have family there...right now I live in Central America though!

I really tried to get lots of fibre when I was pregnant...from veggies and also from metamucil...found I would be constiptated toooo much and that helped lots. Sounds like the flax seed works great! Moving to a country where we eat lots of rice and beans and fresh fruits is working for me! (and way yummier than metamucil!)

Enjoy that little one!!! What a gift they are!

Interesting... I live no more then two hours from Mississauga... Less if the crazy 401 traffic isn't nuts! I guess I truely am not the only one... Just feels like it at times...