Grade 2 rectocele and cystocele-upset


I'm not overweight, I had 3 very normal natural births (not stuck on my back to deliver, no purple pushing, no pain meds, etc), and I eat fairly well too.

But here I am with a grade 2 rectocele and grade 2 cystocele. OB recommended posterior and anterior surgical repair of the vagina and while she was at it why not take out the uterus too! I knew better than to be okay with that option and said thanks but no thanks. And my midwife said- there wasn't much you could do to make it get better just to keep it from getting worse.

Keeping it from getting worse is NOT ENOUGH! I look so deformed and although I don't have a UTI I feel like I do often from this. And sex is not as comfortable. I want to pick up my 3 year old and carry him around like I used to. I want to

I'm only 3 months post partum and praying that with time and when I eventually quit nursing this will all just magically disappear. Even though OB and midwife both said I'm stuck with it!


so so sorry to hear what you are going through! i was just talking to my sister that it seems like just about anyone can get pelvic organ prolapse :( i am new also, just found out i have cystocele (my baby is 9 months old). the diagnosis was alarming, depressing and still freaks me out, but i think you will find the support you are looking for here.

lots of hugs and stay strong -lalita

Hi Raindrops

I could have written your initial post. My gyn said exactly the same recommendation, and here I am nearly 6 years later, and going fine, even though my organs have dropped further. I have been able to find ways to keep doing all the things I used to do, even if I do them a bit differently. I now use my brains and Wholewoman techniques, instead of my brawn. That's the bad recommendation bit.

Your midwife and Ob have both said correctly. You are stuck with it, but it need not always, and won't always affect you as much as it is now. By changing the way you use your body from now on, and supporting that with appropriately designed clothing, exercise, lifestyle and environment, you will be able to prevent it from having a significant effect on your life.

Three months postpartum is the pits. In another 3 to 6 months you will *start* to notice some improvement. This is natural reversion after childbirth. It takes about 2 years for the body to recover maximally from pregnancy and birth, though subtle improvements go on after that.

Wholewoman techniques will help you to get over the next six months without doing any more damage, and set you up for living with prolapsed pelvic organs for many, many years, and not letting the condition affect your life too much. I don't say for your whole life because Wholewoman has only existed for about 8 or nine years, so we really don't know, and nobody else can tell us, but it is looking good for me nearly 6 years into it. I have just experienced menopause, and am better than I was before it, contrary to what we read elsewhere. We are all writing the instruction manual as we go. Glad you have joined us on the journey. We women with a neurotic attachment to our uteruses are very hard to discourage! I hope to take mine to the grave, thankyou very much.


I don't come here often or post because I find it depressing. But I'm too depressed about this right now to get anymore depressed. at almost 8 months postpartum nothing is getting better only worse.

I'm going to see a urogynocologist soon but I feel like all the options are lose, lose, or lose. I know this site encourages all these special exercises and postures but my body is so broken that all the exercise in the world isn't going to undo what's going on with my body. I'm young and this seems to becoming an epidemic I just wonder if I can cope with it long enough til they figure out how to treat it.

Hi Raindrops. Sorry to hear that you haven't made much progress. I wonder what is going on with that body of yours? It certainly sounds like your heart is pulling you down. It is very hard to carry yourself proudly and positively when your heart is down in your boots.

Now, tell me, how much worse has your prolapse become than it was back in May?
What is happening for you POP-wise at the moment? What are your symptoms?
What have you been doing with your posture?
And diet?
And physical tasks?
And clothing?
And exercise?
Have you bought any resources from Wholewoman?
Have you had a look at the videos on Youtube?

Let's just see what you have tried and how each has gone. Looking forward to hearing back from you.


sorry to hear about your depression. depression just stinks, been there more often than I'd like to think about. PPD is the worst.
I agree that the surgical options seem like lose, lose or lose. which is why I love this site.
what else is going on with your body that makes you feel as though none of the exercises or posture can be helpful?
assuming you are otherwise healthy, you shouldn't have to just cope, waiting until 'they figure out how to treat it'. christine HAS figured out how to manage POP, its all here.
there've been women here with all sorts of medical/physical issues in addition to POP and when we brainstorm we can usually figure out some way to modify things so that they too can benefit from WW.
don't give up yet.
I hope you're getting some support with the depression. hard to cope with anything when you're depressed.