New and Freaking Out!!


Hi, everyone,

I am sooo relieved to have found this website. I was just diagnosed with a cystocele and uterine prolapse a couple of days ago. I'm 31 - turning 32 in a few days (great b-day gift!!!). This is still so surreal to me - everything had been going so well for me lately - I've lost 30 pounds in the last 6 months, and have really gotten active - and to the point where I actually like to exercise - I just started an aerobics hiphop dance class a few weeks ago, which I adore, and was just starting to feel young and pretty and healthy again, after years of bring overweight...and now this!!! It came on so suddenly - Saturday I was fine, carrying heavy things without a problem, running around as usual..and then Sunday I feel strange and discover a weird something in my vaginal canal! So I went to the OB/GYN on Monday, and they confirmed it - when I bear down, she could see my uterus about halfway down the canal, and my bladder right at the entrance. What the heck?!?! Where did this come from all of the sudden?!

From what she said, it was either surgery or do nothing, or use a pessary, which sounds kind of awful. She told me that if I wanted to have more kids (which I do, eventually - I have 2 wonderful boys, 7 and 9, and would love at least one more...), I might as well wait for the surgery until after I'm done having kids, because it would just mess it up. It sounded like I can't do anything strenuous for the rest of my life!! I reeeeally want to continue with my dance class, but I'm scared to death now - and what about strength training? I looove going to the gym and using the different machines for chest, biceps, shoulders, etc. Can I never do any of that again either? I'm actually going to another OB/GYN tomorrow to get a second opinion, just to see what they think...

Anyway, when I stumbled across this site, I cried with relief when I read the results that people were having. (I've been doing a heck of a lot of crying in the past few days!) I'm a teacher, so I'm constantly on my feet and moving around, plus I have 2 young boys...I can't stop moving! As soon as payday rolls around, I am ordering that whole set of the DVD and book and stuff...I can't wait!! I've been trying to do the posture from what I can see on the free stuff online, but I think I'm getting it wrong..anyway, this site has definitely given me hope that I can still be normal.

So my question is, did anyone else's POP come on so suddenly? Why was I totally fine on Saturday and now my back hurts and my front hurts and I'm all irritated inside whenever I move..or sit..or anything? :( And do I need to stop the dance classes and exercise? Will a tampon seriously help hold it all in while I do those things, maybe? I'm so desperate and hopeful and frustrated and panicked and about a milion other emotions all at once...

Thanks for your help!!!!!

Hey Angela,

I just found my cystocele last Wednesday and had the DR diagnose it last Thursday. I cried my eyes out this last weekend but I have been reassured by my Dr and the ladies here that life WILL be "normal" again but with better posture :) and a few other tweaks here and there. I am still so new to all this to but I am already finding that I have my courage and I'm ready to face it and heal! Its so normal to "mourn" over the diagnosis. Its okay to cry and allow the grief process to happen. Keep reading, devour this site! Its awesome! Post quetions and start the emotional healing! Yes we have a long road ahead of us but let knowledge replace the fear and courage give us strength to do what we have to do to take care of us and heal! :) I already feel so much better about life and I only just found out. Keep leaning on these gals! I can't answer your questions but if you need someone to talk to I'm here email me. I am excited to see your updates of healing! :)


Hi and welcome, Angela (we have another goatgirl here, which you can do a search for :)’s an amazing thing being a woman. We had the great challenge of keeping our horizontal pelvis while at the same time standing up. Little did we know it was the greatest feat ever attempted by nature!

I am going to guess that your prolapse has been coming on for years. The final drop is often sudden and dramatic, no doubt about it.

I am also going to wager that you will reverse your symptoms over the course of the next year (maybe much sooner) by returning to the natural design and function of your spine and pelvis.

You may be able to continue on with hiphop, but I’m not sure about that. It’s not the activity level that’s problematic (we have marathoners here), but how it might be jarring your body out of its most supportive alignment. I can’t do classic aerobics because several of the moves distort the shape of my lumbar spine and cause my uterus to be pushed toward the pelvic outlet. We have women here re-designing yoga and belly dance to be more supportive of pelvic organs, so take heart.

You should also be able to continue with the gym equipment. I like to say, you can do anything you want, as long as you do it in the right shape.

You’ll want to learn nauli and firebreathing for sure, as these are essential components of pulling prolapsed organs forward.

Your reactions are perfectly natural and what every one of us goes through. You do have to respond to your symptoms and we at Whole Woman believe that (1) the organs have not fallen down, they have fallen back, and (2) anything that pulls or pushes them forward is a good thing :) Kegels will be of no use, nor will anything concerning “core strength” or the “neutral spine”.

Simply walking is very beneficial. Try to picture this:

You have two “round ligaments” that come off the front of your uterus, travel down your inguinal canal on either side of your lower abdominal wall, and embed into the labia surrounding your vagina. Now, your vagina is at the back of your body. We are used to thinking it is underneath us, but a quick check ;) will reveal it is actually at the back.

Therefore, each time you take a long stride, the leg that is stretched to the back is pulling the labia even more backwards. The round ligaments get tugged on and they in turn pull your uterus forward! It is utter perfection and I do agree with the old Greek philosopher, Protagoras that “(Wo)man is the measure of all things.” Running increases these dynamics even more.

Yes, there is alot to learn. But it is like having to learn that the sky is blue and rain falls on rooftops. It is our basic nature we have come so far away from that we no longer recognize it. Once it is explained to you, you too will likely say, “Wow, that makes so much sense!” It makes sense because you are very close to it!

I would say, go on with all these things in your life. There really is nothing you could do to make your prolapse so bad that you couldn’t reverse it in a day or two. We have some heavy lifting mamas here who know of what I speak.

Many hugs to you, dear girl. You really will be just fine.


Hi Goatgirl

I guess I am one of the heavy lifting Mamas here! Think about this. If you have to do a task that requires heavy lifting, stop and think about it. Shifting a heavy object doesn't necessarily mean lifting it.
You can transfer it to a new spot by pushing it, by sitting on the ground/floor and pushing it with your strong thigh muscles.
You can transfer it to a new spot by pulling it with a rope around your hips, again using your thigh muscles.
You can roll it.
You can end over end it.
You can walk it, one corner, then the next.
You can push it onto a trolley and wheel it.
Handle things only once. Store it where you use it.
Break it down into smaller loads and shift it bit by bit.
If it is cumbersome, then lift it in a way that you support it with your hands close to your body, ie upper body held proudly, not forced into a hunched posture with your shoulders pulled forwards.
Buy two lighter ones instead of one heavy one. Calculate carefully if the 50 cents you save is worth blowing out your POP for. An investment of 50 cents to buy the smaller box might end up being a *very* important investment in your future wellbeing.
Get somebody stronger than you to lift it. If you wouldn't ask them to lift it, then don't even think about lifting it yourself.

Think about its height. If it is at floor level, why is it there if you have to use it at bench height? If it is at bench height or car trunk/boot height, why is it there? Ditto. If it is at bench level, the shift it with a washing trolley, or even a wheelbarrow, or onto your shoulder, then stand up using your thigh muscles.

Thigh muscles not strong enough? They should be, and they soon will be!!

We all should be doing heavy tasks like this from childhood, then a lot of these problems would not happen. Why do we try and be super(wo)man?


Hi, Goobug!
Thanks so much for your response!! I really appreciate your support!!! I'm feeling much better about it all now, a week later - can't wait to devour this site, as you said! :) How are you doing?

Angela :)

Wow! Christine, thanks so much for replying to my post!! You gave me so much hope when I was really upset! I've actually been to two doctors now, and they each confirmed my diagnosis, and then proceeded to give me exactly opposing advice - one said not to work my core at all, because it might push everything out, and the other said to work extra-hard, specifically on my core, to strengthen those muscles! So then I asked a third, and he just said Kegels, and then inverted sit-ups once I strengthened my pelvic floor... So I was sort of paralysed by indecision for a bit, but now I figure the best compromise I can achieve is to do Kegels, but also do the exercises and posture and fire-breathing on your DVD, and also keep up with my weight-training and walking. I so badly want to do my dance class, but I'm terrified - but like you said, hopefully any damage I do in that class would be fixable?

I'm sort of in denial, too, at the same time as I'm trying to decide how to live the rest of my life with this - I feel like this just can't be real! Like I should just keep on doing what I've been doing all my life, because this is just ridiculous - I'm only 32!!! But then I can feel it - I guess I feel sort of trapped, too, you know? And then I forget and pick up something heavy - and then I freak out... Anyway, I just really appreciate your advice and the fact that you've provided another way of dealing with this (and one that seems to make the most sense, to me!!).

Thank you!!!!

Hi Louise!!

Thanks so much for your advice!!! I know it sounds silly, but it hadn't even occurred to me to just move things in a different way, or store things closer to where I'll need them - I'm in charge of selling T-shirts at my sons' fencing club every Saturday morning, and I always have to lug a huge heavy folding table across the gym to set up - so I was freaking out! Last week I just started using a desk that's already over there, and I think I'll have someone move the table over to that side permanently next time... Duh!! Thanks for helping me think creatively about it!

Hey Angela,

I am doing much better myself. It's amazing how life starts to feel more normal after the initial shock of finding out. Although if it wasn't for WW I think I would be worse off! We all would I assume ;) I LOVE this site, read everything! I appreicate how it's all so positive and not negative! You don't go away feeling worse about your situation, just better! I became a member to experience the village and it's been great! What an amazing resource! Hope you are doing better as it sounds like you may be. :) Have a great week!

Goobug :)