Pain question


OK, so I had a really scary experience on Friday, and I wanted to see if anyone else has had something similar happen... I found my prolapse (uterine and cystocele) Sunday before last. I went to the doctor on Monday. Starting on Monday, my stomach just ached deeply - but in my upper abdomen. It ached like that all week, especially at the end of the day - to the point where I was almost in tears. It felt like I had been doing sit-ups all day! I was also really breathless, especially when walking. So Friday morning, a horrible pain in my stomach woke me up, and I actually thought I was going to have to go in to the ER - that maybe it was my appendix or something! When I stood up, I almost passed out - I got tunnel vision and my hearing got all muffled. I've never been that close to fainting before! So after about 30 min., the pain went away, and then I was dizzy for the rest of the day...and a little bit on Saturday and Sunday, too. My lower back has also been aching, by the way.

So I freaked out and called my OB/GYN, whom I had just seen for the prolapse, and she couldn't fit me in - but the nurse at the school where I teach said it sounded like an ectopic pregnancy, and then I looked online and it looks like I have all the symptoms of ovarian cancer!!! So I scheduled a sonogram with my OB/GYN to check my ovaries next week. Then her nurse told me my symptoms didn't even sound like a gynecological problem.... The stomach pain is gone now, for the most part - it'll come back a tiny bit, but never as bad as it was, and I haven't been dizzy since Sunday, so was I just overreacting to some normal prolapse pain? Or does this sound like something different? My mom thinks it's just normal pain from my internal organs moving around differently, and my husband thinks it was like a nervous stomach ache/panic attack thing (which I am prone to).

Thanks so much for any input!! I think I'll still go in for the sonogram, though, just for peace of mind.....

I hope you get some answers soon. I found out about my prolapse on a Wednesday and by the following week I was experiencing abdominal discomfort and the pain in my back too. I went to the doctor and I was told my urine sample showed I had an infection but because of the back pain they assumed it was kidney infection. I went back to the doctor because I was still feeling abdominal discomfort and the doctor gave me pills for my stomach for reducing acid. So I am thinking I may have an ulcer. They sent me for an ultrasound yesterday so I will find out if anything is going on. I too have had panic attacks in the past and it makes sense that if you do, then stomach aches and other symptoms can follow. I hope and pray that you don't have Ovarian cancer but if it makes you feel better than go get the test done. I too was worried that the cramps and discomfort I felt might have been OC as well and plan on asking my doctor if I can be screened for that just for peace of mind. It's terrible when things are happening to our bodies and we don't know why, and I know for me with my anxiety it can make things feel worse. Just take one step at a time and take care of yourself. It could be pschosomatic and it may not be. But if you can find a way to relax and keep doing the WW posture throughout the day you will start to feel more impowered. I am feeling better and hopeful my results will be okay. Let us know how you are doing and please take care of yourself.

Thinking of you, goatgirl. Hope the sonogram goes OK. I think you may have a bit of a combination of effects happening. I can remember as a child getting real stomach pains, like cramps. Ahanges in your life can wreak havoc on the digestive system. I am sure mine were nervous in origin, but may have also been constipation-related, or gas related. You haven't added a lot of fibre to your diet, or dried apricots or something, have you?

I will think some more about it. Gotta get to bed right now.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ...