

Do you feel your prolapse more so when you are on your period? I am due to get mine any day now and I just noticed tonight that I can feel more of a bulge in my vagina. I had to take my daughter to the doctor and then to the hospital so I did a lot of sitting and waiting and I was worried about her (she is fine- iritis) so I am pretty sure I was not in posture. So it's probably a combination of poor posture, tired and period coming. Just curious to know if anyone has experienced being more aware of their prolapse during their periods. Thanks and cheers.

Yes. The day before my period I feel more pressure and tenderness. Since I am on a gluten free (basically all grain free), sugar free diet, my periods are lighter so this tenderness only lasts for 1-2 days.

In the 2 post partum years I also had this heaviness during ovulation. Now it is gone. :) (My son turns 2 on Saturday).


Woke up with my period and noticed a difference. I am going gluten free too and if lighter periods are a result all the better. Thanks Liv. So much to learn!!!

Yes, I used to experience that. I used to be more prone to lower back pain. I discovered that when I realised that I had a period *every* time I went to have a massage, and couldn't work out why.

No longer having that buildup to a period once a month is one of the really good things about menopause! But I guess you have a bit of a wait before that happens. ;-)