Feelin' down today...


I am having a bad day. I am so disappointed with my body and want to just start running by 6 weeks pp which is next week. I want to do the ab work and exercises I am used to so I can lose my weight. And tho I know I will run again at some point, I just wish it was this point. I am just needing a pep talk. I am feeling down. I am thankful my prolapse hasn't been my main thought anymore but days like today where I feel it more and feel fat are just no good. :( Thanks ladies for being a place I can come to on days like this.


6 weeks pp is pretty early to be stressing your body, other than with normal everyday movement. However, you have to be the judge of that. Just remember that the 6 week pp clearance to exercise is really just timed for when the acute effects of the pregnancy and birth, and any birth interventions, need to be checked off by the doctor, after which time you are no longer an obstetric patient. It is also a time for the doctor to ensure that you have your contraception regime in place. I don't really think it has anything to do with being ready or not to push your body with exercise that is designed to put your body into deficit, ie losing weight.

I think I would be listening pretty carefully to my body, and let it decide what is OK.

Re doing ab work, think about doing vertical knee raises and the like, while you are in upright posture, rather than lying down, which will allow you to use WW posture to protect your POPs.

Re running, think instead about a heavy duty walking program with wing flaps, which will give you the aerobic exercise without the jarring. Perhaps we could call it Bird Walking, rather than power walking? You could start on that right now, as long as your posture is a priority. Then build in running bit by bit, judging how fast to introduce running by how your POPs respond to the increased running.

Whatever you do, let your body determine the pace and intensity.

It really will take one to two years for your body to revert on the inside after pregnancy. Nothing you can do will make it happen faster than that. The outside will improve much sooner than that, but don't be deceived by what you see on the outside. The inside still needs TLC.

Disappointment is a significant emotion that can easily morph into anger and frustration, which are potentially far more destructive. Hope you can channel it into constructive activities.


Hey, Goobug,

Like most of us here, I know exactly how you feel! It is great, right? I mean, you can share your misery, and we can feel for you, because we've been there, done that!

You know, it is a 2 steps forward 1 step back story for all of us. I remember, my first setbacks almost killed me! It was soooo hard, I lost hope and went back to my devastated mode.

At 6 weeks PP I did not even notice my prolapse. Just started to have symptoms. I lived with my pain, pressure and denial for months (!) before I came here and do the self exam. I am from the medical field, so deep inside I knew it was POP, I just did not have the guts to face it.

Give yourself a little time! 6 weeks is sooo early. I am 2 years PP now (as of this week), and feel wonderful, but I have to tell you my first PP year was a misery. There is plenty of healing ahead of you, and this is really promising, believe me!

Well, I have no idea what else to say, so here is a big hug for you!

BTW, great workout ideas will come up, just type 'ab excercise' in the search engine.


At our house two year olds are prized above all else. We simply love the stage. Enjoy this year. Congratulations and happy day to you and yours.

Thanks, Alemama!