Walking on Ice the WW way


I meant to post about this last year but then summer came and I forgot...till the ice set in again!
I have been marvelling once again at how much easier it is to walk on snow / ice in WW posture! Not that the risk of slipping is gone, but I feel so much less likely to! If i tuck under, the risk of slipping onto my bottom seems to multiple as my centre of gravity moves. In WW posture, my weight is further forwards and thus I feel so much more stable.
Just another reminder why this is truly our natural posture!
(now let's just hope I don't go flying tomorrow having said this!!!)

In the deep recesses of my mind, from back when I lived in climates where ice was a concept (unlike the tropics of my surroundings now) I recall having to walk in a very measured way to avoid slip sliding away on the slippery surface. Check out gymnasts on the balance beam...or highwire walkers...no way are they not in something very similar to WW posture! Great observations, kiki, so true.

Not here!

However, I have experienced hard frost here in winter, now a distant memory. And the old ice skating rink made out of a disused cinema when I was a kid. Also a distant memory.

Ice is probably a very good test for the stability of WW posture. Tucking your butt takes one of the zigs out of the zigzag that is our structure. The more bends you have in your body, the easier it is to stabilise. Unlocked knees are another joint that absorbs forces and adjusts our posture.

Enjoy the ice and snow. Hope it stays enjoyable and doesn't turn bad on you.


ah, last day I think and the deep freeze moves on somewhere else. but it was gorgeous here, and once again, i felt fabulously stable on the snow and ice. I know when it is pure ice you are at risk of slipping no matter what, but those zig zags do help...
(and the kids do love this snow so much! ah, the joys of sledding...DH pulled DS2 on the sled along the sidewalks when they went out today--what a great way to travel!)