Prolaps bladder


I been having problems with pelvic pain with my bladder and my colon seem to fall at times. Back in April of this year I had bladder surgery. I really regret it now because I'm much more weaker and have lots of pain. my prolapse started in my 6 month of my pregnancy. I don't want to have any more surgery so I'm hoping that the exercise would help me out.

HI Queenbean and welcome to WW,
I am sorry to hear about your problems post surgery. Can you tell us more about the surgery and what you had done? How old is your child(ren) now?

WW was developed by Christine Kent, who developed a uterine prolapse after having had bladder surgery. The posture is key, and the first place to start. If you can, get the book & the DVD to learn more about the posture and ways to help, through posture, diet, what you wear--it all influences pop!

I hope someone will chime in about excercises post surgery and which are best to do, if any should be avoided etc--I don't feel like I can advise on that. Christine is having a break at the moment, but will be back in the new year full of her usual wisdom. In the mean time perhaps others will share their thoughts...


I had bladder surgery back in April of this year. Now I been going to physical therapy. I wish I would of found out about her program before I had my surgery. My son is about 13 months and he is getting so have I been having a difficult time lifting him. I been feeling a lot of pulling on my left side and some mid back pain. I know I have very bad poster so I will be working on the poster.

Did you have mesh? I had mesh sling for my bladder in January,and I have been having a lot of pain so I went to the dr and found out the mesh eroded, so now I have to have it removed.

yes I had that mesh put in back in April but my Dr dose not believe anything is wrong. She whats me to take a synthetic hormone to strengthen my walls. But in to weeks she is going to do an ultra sound to see if she see something. I been having a lot of swelling in my abdomen and a lot of white thick discharge that not from yeast. I told her that I think the surgery seems to be failing.

That sounds just like whats been going on with me,I thought I had a yeast infection for months but it turned out to be a bad bacterial infection,You need a second opinion or something,because it sounds like you have erosion too.

I we get that thing that is causing erosion out would we become weaker and would we ever recover. I been feeling so discourage about the surgery and all issue came with it.

I am not sure,I asked my GYN if I could just wait to get it out and she said that its high risk for infection if I just leave it,so I am just getting it out,she tried to remove it in the office but she couldn't,so I am going to have surgery to remove it.

hi mayo and queen bee
I'm so sorry to hear that you are both having trouble after this surgery. unfortunately, you are not alone, which is why christine wrote this book and developed the website and dvd's - to prevent more women from suffering in this way.
well, you are here now, so lets try to move forward. I agree with mayo, first things first, be sure you do not have any infection going on. that would need to be treated. I know very little about the benefits of leaving the mesh in vs. taking it out. my (uneducated and non medical) guess would be to seek advice from a few surgeons and listen to what they say and move from there.
as far as the exercises go, here's the thing. they were developed with the presurgical woman in mind, meaning, taking into account natural anatomy and muscle action. once a surgeon reconfigures your anatomy, things are different and you may respond differently that a woman who has not had surgery. also, you may have scarring that causes pain and overtightening or contractures. so you will have to become the expert on your body. get your surgical report if you can, speak to the surgeon and learn exactly what was done. come back with questions, there are some very knowlegable women here who can help you understand it all. then learn how you feel, what makes you feel better, what makes things worse. go slowly with the posture and exercises, be creative in terms of modifying things so that your body responds comfortably. again, we can try to help you do this.
I believe wholewoman posture is good for everyone, no matter where you are when you find it. I think if you try things slowly and gently, you have nothing to lose. and I hope you can find relief.
but get that discharge checked out.

First thing first. Getting rid of the infections is the first step on the way towards recovery.

I strongly believe that there is hope for everyone who use WW. Many woman here including the author Christine also had surgery (not mesh) and benefitted greatly from WW. You ladies also have your uterus which is a big help on this road.

Thinking of you and hugs, don't give up!


Hi Queenbean

I agree with everything the other Members have said to you. I would add that the gyno will probably want to tinker around in there while she is taking the mesh out, and may want to do a replacement procedure. I would discuss it thoroughly with her, and get several opinions before allowing her to do anything else surgically that doesn't absolutely have to be done as part of removing the mesh. The less they interfere with what is there, the better you are going to be able to utilise your body's natural structure to control your POP symptoms.

Your gyn will probably not understand how you hope to control your POP with posture. You could try and explain it, but you might not get very far. Gyns are usually pretty skeptical about Wholewoman.

The more surgery you have the more likely it is to cause further problems, but it seems that removing the mesh is going to be critical for your whole body, so that is one procedure that you will most likely benefit from, infection-wise.

Stay with us while you do your investigations.

Are there any other Members out there who have gone ahead and had mesh removed?


I got tested to see if I had and infection or yeast. The test came back negative for both. I been having a lot of pulling in my colon and thinking to ask for a pessary Because I don't want another surgery. The doctor doesn't believe that the surgery could fail. So I been so discourage about all my situation. I have bad poster and trying to work on keeping my back strait. I have a tore in side my Vag and ask the doctor repair it and they said no. Some times I feel so alone and wish I would of not had surgery.

Lots of love to you, dear one. I am praying you find someone to help you. ♥

Hi Queenbean

I hope I understand correctly what you have said in your posts. You know that you don't have yeast or bacterial infection, but I am not sure where in your body the test was taken. Was it urine or vaginal swab, or the site of the exposed mesh? (The mesh is exposed, isn't it?) Are you still getting the discharge?

What surgery does the doctor now want to do?

I can hear that you are very scared of having another operation, but the doctor is reassuring you that it will succeed.

You say you have a tore (tear?) in your vagina. Can you describe this in more detail, please? It doesn't matter if you have trouble expressing yourself. We will eventually understand each other, and be clear what you are describing. :-)

It doesn't matter if it takes us all year to understand you clearly.;-) What is important is that eventually you have a clear picture of what is happening in your body and can understand exactly what your doctor is saying. Once you have a better understanding I am sure you will be able to make a rational decision about what to do next.


She did a vaginal swab to check for any infection and it came back negative.
It is still thick and white and I been having a lot of abdominal pain with my abdomen swelling. I also been feeling their a weight in the back end like my colon is falling. I got that torn part in my vag on the left side when I delivered my son back in 2009. I been so discourage with doctors lately because the last two years I spent a lot of money trying to see whats going on with no success. Even after my surgery for my bladder I been having nothing but problems . My doctor said everything looks good and nothings wrong. Even with my prolapse before the surgery I was strong. I just don't know if I could trust anymore doctors and Its been so hard taking care of my son. This week I will be seeing my regular doctor so that she can send me to a specialist to see whats going on with my colon.

thank you its been such a struggle. I wished I would of found this site before I had that surgery.

Queenbean, is there exposed mesh coming through your vaginal wall?

If you raise your chest proudly your pelvis will tilt slightly forwards slightly and your bladder and uterus will kind of roll forwards onto your lower abdominal wall. If they are resting against your abdominal wall they will feel less like they are leaning back and falling down. Try it.

Hi Queenbean,

I'm no expert on surgery and the problems it can cause, but I do know a thing or two about wishing the past was different and blaming ourselves for our conditions. I've done a lot of that about my prolapse, and have now made a decision to stop giving myself a hard time and to think positively about how I can improve my health.

I really feel for you with the pain and worries you are experiencing and I agree with the advice you have had from other members. My advice is, try to stop wishing you hadn't had the surgery. You took a sensible decision to follow your doctor's advice. It's not your fault that the advice was wrong. Now you are educating yourself and learning more, and have the support of much greater experts than me on this site, you can really make a good decision about whether surgery to remove the mesh will be a good option, even if you take your doctors opinions and share them on the forums -see what other members think.

On the positive side, you sound young with a young baby, so your body has youth on its side for healing and I am convinced that if you keep coming to this site that you, like me, will learn how to be much healthier generally so you can enjoy your son, and have a body that has the best poossible chance of healing well.

Best wishes
