8 days PP and feeling low- literally


Up until today I was really pleased that my prolapse seemed to be behaving quite well following the birth. I have been on my feet alot, and running round after my two year old and doing most of the housework- (not my idea but DH is more useful in theory than in practise!) Anyway, I've been doing all that in posture, and my pop has been very timid in coming down. Until tonight.
I wore bubs in a ring sling for a couple of hours this afternoon, nice and high and walking in posture. I sat for most of the time anyway, straight back, lumbar curve in place. When I got home I realised the bulge I felt between my legs wasn't my sanitary towel as I assumed but was in fact my POP. So, as of tonight it's as bad as it's ever been- and I'm only 8 days PP!
So, knowing that it's only going to get worse before it gets better and having heard it's worse at 12 weeks- I'm really scared about just how bad it's going to get!
Luckily at least I knew about the prolapse before I got pregnant- otherwise I don't think I'd be able to enjoy my baby. My rational side knows it will get better, I'm just nervous about how quickly it's got bad. Any advice for a better PP recovery?
When I first found my pop I went into a depression that lasted for months- and that's the last thing I need with a baby and a toddler. I thought I was prepared for this- apparently not!

Hey Cararosesmum, this is part of a letter I recently sent to a friend who was early postpartum....I think it's about right.
'well the first thing is to manage your expectations. This is the first time you have done this fully aware of your prolapse. It is going to be symptomatic for a little while, if your postpartum experience is anything like most people's. As long as you are not in pain, can use the bathroom easily, and have sex who really cares if you have a bulge or two.
Then the second thing is to know it will get much better all on it's own no matter what you do simply because of postpartum healing. All those ligaments and tendons were stretched out and exposed to relaxin- it takes time for them to rebound.
In the interim, use the posture- build strength in your whole body (in whatever way you choose- just don't go crazy lifting weights yet) and eat for healing (vitamin C, Calcium and Magnesium and protein).
Take time everyday to get on your knees and elbows- relax your tummy, and wear loose clothing.
Get high quality rest. This is important. I know things need to get done (housework) but really if you can take it nice and easy for about 6 months you will be so happy you did.
It will get better!'

Besides all that, you can chase your toddler as much as you like, but coloring on a big piece of paper on the floor with your butt in the air would be better :)
Try to find the balance. Set a timer for yourself if you need to. Make a plan- clean for 10 minutes of every 2 hours. The rest of the time, rest!
And it doesn't have to get worse before it gets better- and interestingly enough, the worse is usually millimeters. I think the hardest part is the part that's in your head. The worry that it will get worse, the anxiety of the bulge showing up again, the depression that follows. You've done this before! It has got to be easier this time around......
and being prepared for what might happen is great, but when it actually happens it is perfectly normal to feel upset.
Hang in there! You can do this.

hi cararosesmum
alemama gave you some great advice. and here's another thing I learned about pp healing (took me five kids, but I finally got it), when you are pg your body tells you to stop and slow down before you overdo it. when you are pp, your body doesnt speak up until you've already overdone it. so even if you feel great, like you can do everything you did prepg, DONT!
when you are pp, less is more. of course, some things must get done and can only be done by you. but the rest can wait or be left for someone else. not for the rest of your life, but for the next few months while you support the healing that must take place. its good for your prolapse, its good for your mood and therefore its good for your family.
slowing down when you feel good is hard to do, believe me, I know! but like alemama said, you'll be glad you did.

thankyou you two- you are both an inspiration. Feel better about it today (now, anyway!). If a bulgy vagina is the price I pay to have my beautiful little man lying here in my lap, fast asleep with my milk dribbling down his chin- well, it's not too high a price.
Loved up mummy :-)

They are very inspiring women indeed. The only thing I can add is about the 12 wk / 3 month mark...this is not when things necessarily get worse! It just seems that this is a very common time for substantial shifts, either for the better or for the further fall south ;) Keep optimistic! You may have already hit your low, and if you haven't, then you know you can get through them like you just did. Milk those lactation hormones for all they are worth!

they are so sweet asleep in the lap with milk dribbling! I kinda miss those days.
and the bulgy vagina will not stay that way. it won't. you've been here long enough, you know how to manage this. and you will. it may take time, more than you'd like, but it will get better.
enjoy your beautiful little man : )

Ok- unfortunately I haven't/hadn't hit my lowest point! Wishful thinking! Tonight my rectocele is actually protruding slightly beyond the introitus. Does this make it a stage 3? It was only a stage 1 before pregnancy! I'm 12 days PP now, and trying to look after myself, but easier said than done with two kiddies!
Is it too early to start nauli? My lochia has slowed down alot- but with the organs as mobile as they are now perhaps it's too early to start dynamic work? It's freaking me out a little as I've always been able to count on the fact that although things are low they've always stayed inside my body until now! What about pelvic rocks, as on the DVD? Are they a good idea yet? I'm rubbish at sitting around and giving it time- I really need to feel like I'm being proactive in my healing. Any tips/reassurance from the mummies who've been there gratefully received!

Don't write posts about your rectocele when actually you just need to do a big poo (sheepish grin)! Makes the world of difference- don't think i have a stage 3 after all- just think I needed to eat a bit less and poo a bit more (breathes huge sigh of relief and chows down on chia...)

just lost a very long post, so frustrating! dont have time to recreate the whole thing, but here are my main points

nauli/firebreathing made my bleeding heavier so I stopped until all lochia was gone (around 8 weeks for me)

pelvic rocks are probably ok as long as they feel ok

get into posture!!! probably after the last 9 mo you have new weaknesses and tight muscles. stretch up into WW posture whenever upright

if weather allows, get out for some short walks in ww posture

feeding your body right and allowing it time to rest and heal is proactive too, you know : )

12 weeks is very very early. I know what its like with little ones, which is why you have to really pay attention to yourself, and make effort to rest once in a while. I believe for the overwhelming majority of women, early pp is the one time in your life where less is more. if you overdo it now, you will spend more time later undoing damage. not worth it, imo.
take it slow and have faith. it gets better.

and even though you've done the posture, double check that you have it right. so much changes during pg.

It is so easy to get into checkerama type obsessing. Glad it's not as bad as you thought.
With Nauli, try it and see. You will know if you should stop or not.
Taking it easy is really the best thing you can do right now. You have to let your body heal from the pregnancy and birth. Right now you can focus on eating well and resting well. Extra vitamin C is great when you are healing.
Eating less helped me once....I kinda tried out the whole 'eating mostly liquid foods' in the beginning and it was nice to not have the constant weight in my intestine. I also avoided meat because it is very heavy and processes slower (compared to fruits, veges and beans) and dairy.
It was weird really- the poop would be very light and soft compared to meat poop, which is much denser and slightly harder.
all that to say...maybe you want to avoid meat for a little while.
Doing nothing (resting) is doing something!!!

Tons of healing ahead of you, you'll see! :)


Not quite two years ago I had surgery for repair of a cyctocele and rectocele along with a TOTAL hysterectomy which was recommended by my physician. ...

[This comment moved by Louise to the Hysterectomy Forum, as a new topic. I don't think it really fitted here.]
