Members' Personal POP Stories


Hi Wholewomen

I was recently prompted to write my own POP story for a member who emailed me. I have tried searching for early stories from many Members (inc me!), but it is almost impossible if the Member has been around these Forums for years and done hundreds of posts. I guess this is because of the way the Forums software works. You cannot get the Member's *comments* displayed in chronological order, cos the Search Hits only appear to be displayed in *Topic* order. We invite you to post your own POP story in its own topic with your Username in the Subject line of your story.

Try and keep it concise. You will be able to edit it later, and add to it as your story develops over time.

Mine came out at 2700 words when I wrote it off the top of my head, so I need to edit it radically before posting it. It was also a revealing exercise to actually write it all down, and see previously hidden connections, causes of POP and the role of emotions emerging. Watch this space ...

There may be a worried newbie seeking the encouragement of reading your story right now. Get writing. You can polish your socks, darn your kitchen floor and save the planet tomorrow. :-)



Hi Everyone

Hope everyone had a great Christmas. I have just moved a heap of topics from this forum to one of the others, where they are in a more appropriate place. I have also re-named this Forum to try and make it clearer that it is not a Forum for newbies to post their story initially.

We still don't have many longstanding Members' stories here. Hopefully our more experienced Members will do a summary of their story. It is amazing what you forget if it is not written down, and how much you can remember once you start piecing the whole story together.

Sorry if the more recent topics have been bumped down the page. This was a consequence of my moving the older topics. Sorry for the confusion.
