Personal question


This is kinda personal , but hey POP is very personal, so I throwing it out there for some thought and feedback from my sisters. Here goes, I am sorta young ( 45) and have healthy sex life.Do you think sexual intercourse will cause a rectocele to get worse? if so I'm in trouble. I do have pains, sometimes which from what I have read is a sign of a rectocele ,but I had these before my diagnosis. I think these are from my fibroids,(by the way nobody seems to want to do anything about, but thats another story) The pain is not at my Post. vaginal wall ,but more towards my umbilical region where fibroids are supposed to be. I just don't want to make things worst because of normal human nature. As I said before in previous post the only trouble I have from my Recto is the pocketing of poo and constipation, other than that everthing else is fine I guess.

Actually sex makes mine better. I think everything gets pushed back into the correct place.

That makes me feel better!! Its probably the fibroids then. Now that you mention it everthing does seem to go back. Wow and I've been worried.
Thanks a bunch Pandora65

Hi Pandora

I think you will find that penetrative sex is good for all POPs because it repositions your pelvic organs. It kinda stirs the post, if you catch my drift.

I would think your pain is more likely to be constipation, ie hardened stool not being able to turn the corners easily. Maybe your gut is contracting hard, trying to move it along. I would have thought fibroids would be lower, as the uterus is way down om the pelvic cavity, rather than up in the abdominal cavity. The boundary is the imaginary circle circumscribed by the pelvic bones, under the top of the sacrum. Maybe DH's penis is bumping into your gut, and your gut does not have much 'give'.

BTW, there is no TMI here. This is the one place you can ask questions you would not ask anywhere else. We all learn from each other.


I hadn't thought about a "stuck" poo being the problem, but it very well could now that I think about it, from what I remember in my college anatomy courses, theres is a nice curve in the sigmoid colon that could cause this problem, if you have a "slow moving" system like I think I have. I do love this site it has helped me greatly and I love the frankness of it and the ability to ask questions without judgment. Thanks for being there. Pandora65

My ex partner and I did many tests on POP and sex a couple of years ago - No bad POP problems were found. The good part being that it made POP higher and less problematic. On a low day I would just say to him ''I need to have use of you'' and he would 'aid' the problem. Luckily now - I don't have the protruding problem - but I know sex was never a problem for my POP :-)

Sex never made my POP worse, actually, it always helps. :)
Good luck! :)
