Gynecologist in SF Bay Area?


I need to find a new doctor. My current doctor says I need a hysterectomy because of my cystocele and rectocele, and she says I need to have mesh material implanted in my vagina. Not gonna happen.
Does anyone know of a "Whole Woman-Friendly" gynecologist in the San Francisco Bay Area? Maybe some nice hippie-type feminist gynecologist in Berkeley?

Is "feminist gynaecologist" an oxymoron. Even if I could find one, I am not sure I would trust her/him! But I do understand what you are saying. I guess the question has to be asked. What do you aim to get from a gynaecologist?

Sorry, don't live in the Bay Area, and like Louise, wondering if you really need an MD? For a pathological process, sure. If you just need well-woman care, Paps etc., I bet there are a bunch of cool professional home birth midwives in San Fran. They do well-woman care. Or a nurse practitioner can do this and get you prescription contraceptives, if that is your aim. *Most* surgeons are like the little boy with a hammer that can't see anything that doesn't need pounding -- they might not see anything that doesn't need surgery. Good luck!

Sorry it took me so long to respond. I don't have a good excuse, but I can make one up...
So, the reason I want to see a gynecologist is to have my regular checkups, PAP tests and such. I would also like to consult with a doctor about my cystocele and rectocele. Are there any MDs in existence who would not want to do surgery? I just don't understand western medicine! All they want to do is give you toxic prescription meds, and perform harmful surgeries. However, I need to make sure I get regular PAP tests, because I have tested positive for the HPV virus, which causes cervical cancer.
I would certainly think there would be some true feminist gynecologist(s) practicing in Berkeley. It's the culture there. I was hoping someone might know of one...

I have PAP smears too Robynfrog. I haven't been tested for HPV, but don't worry too much. If you test positive it doesn't mean you will get cancer, just that you have been exposed to it, ie you have anti-bodies for it. I don't know that the presence of antibodies means that you necessarily are in the high risk category.

If you don't find your feminist gyn just go and see the other kind, but practice an affirmation before you go. "I have the right to say no." Doctors can order you, or encourage you, or strongly recommend that you ... but they cannot make you say yes to anything It is your body. Sometimes the recommendations they make are based on lack of knowledge. POP is not unique in this respect. As long as we regard them as tradespeople, rather than Gods, they cease to have control over us. Of course, it would be wonderful if you could find the gyn you are after but if you don't, it is not the end of the world.