

Hi Folks,
I went to see my physio the other day and she examined me the good news is my pelvic floor muscles have improved and I dont need a pessary.She has told me to keep doing the kegels and I'm using a Nero trac pelvitone devise. I brought that before I saw Christine's advert. I showed the physio Christine's DVD and she said keep using it and of course I intend to anyway .I'm hoping to get the book from my daughters library( Whole woman) and will buy the yoga DVD one soon. I was wondering would the Fire breathing exercise help to tone my tum and is there any thing elc safe to do as since leaving my job because of pop which I wish I had not done now ,I have put on a little weight. Is there anything to take that makes muscles strong? I do take Glucosamine. Thanks.

Hi, Fifi. Was thinking...anyone want to go into Chat?

Hi Fifi

How are you going with the posture? Have you amended your clothing style? How is your diet?

Yes, the posture will tone your tummy muscles. You need strong tummy muscles if you have strong pelvic floor muscles, because they balance each other with the pubic bones as the common structural partners. Walking in WW posture, with long, relaxed, unhurried strides is great for this because it alternately stretches and contracts the abdominal muscles, all three types, transverse, internal and external oblique, and rectus, as you alternate your legs backwards and forwards.

It also moves your abdominal and pelvic contents around, and kind of massages these organs back to where they should be, as long as your posture supports this movement.

Just don't hurry. Hurry means stress. Stress means tense up and curl up. You need to remain uncurled to allow your abdominal muscles to stretch out fully.

Leave your back foot on the ground for as long as you can, to get the full stretch at the front of your body with each stride, and to make your quids on the front of your thighs work hard to flex your thigh, and bring your back leg up and forward for its next step forward .

Do some big wing flaps as well, while you walk. This brings the lattimus dorsi into the equation, which will reinforce your lumbar curve and strengthen your shoulder and arm muscles.

All your muscles work together in walking, as long as your posture is wound up into WW posture, and no muscles are allowed to flap in the wind and stay scrunched up all the time.


Thanks a lot Louise for your helpful advise,I will try walking like you suggested, am I correct in thinking walking each day will help pop?Although I am9 stone 6 and am 5 foot 6 ,I have put 2 pound on my tum I'm usually 9stone 4 I have been eating all the wrong foods since leaving work and will sort myself out now. Just wondering when you say wing flaps do you mean move my arms up and down when walking.Thanks again Louise cant wait to get the whole woman book from daughters library.

Hello csf,
I will go into the chat room but dont know how to. I know you put instructions on the forum and when I have time will look it up and let you know, but I am from the UK and am 5 hours ahead of you in America.

Go to Youtube and look up Christine Kent's channel, Wholewomaninc. I think there is a scene of Christine wing flapping in one of her clips. You've basically got it right. It is easier to watch than have it explained. I need to sleep right now. I am in Australia. Catch you tomorrow.


Oh my gosh, Fifi, you are so better you won't be using the pessary anymore? Praise Dear God and everything He ever made and wow o wow o wow does this give me hope. : ) Now I have to go back and review which kind of POP you had and how far and what you did.

I also am taking glucosamine, so that gives me hope, too. Went with my dad today to the cemetery and was really doing it for his sake. On the way home we were stopping for something nice to eat since it's Mother's Day, but I listened to my body, which was feeling like I was sitting on top of all my organs and that it just really wasn't good for me to be out and sitting, not even for a few more minutes in the car to get there. So asked him to take me directly home. I still have the stuck tampon feeling plus a feeling that my u is huge and like I am sitting on it, laying on it, whatever. Can't shake that feeling of my uterus in the wrong place. I don't go into all fours position like this because it feels like it stresses my uterus too much to go on all fours if I have not FIRST gotten my u back up by inversion or whatever. Arg.

Trying to just be a grateful person on this Mother's Day. I can hear neighbors celebrating the day outside. Sigh. : )

cfsI have never had a pessary haha I thought the physio might suggest one that's what I meant but she said no I didn't need one.