Hi every one... Been a while


Hi everyone! It's been a while since I last posted. I went to the doctor again who told me I have a cystocele and rectocele. Not sure what grade. She was great she didn't make me embarrassed about being so young etc..
Ive been feeling really bad about it lately.. Been through a pretty rough couple of weeks/months and my doctor prescribed me some antidepressants if I want them.
Any way I thought I'd ask about something do to with air in the vagina.
I've noticed that lately in certain positions my vagina automatically fills with air. And I mean FILLS I feel like I could put a tennis ball in there. It's massive. And I realized that this is what happens to me during sex. It fills up with air and then I can't feel any friction. This never used to happen and it's making me so depressed. I don't think it should get that large when it fills with air... It happens especially when I do nauli...
Can any one tell me if this happens to them?
Thanks Jessie-girl

Hi Jessiegirl

Has this been happening all the time, like before you started WW posture? Or has it just started happening since then? Sorry to be personal, but have you experienced sex without having this looseness? Same partner? Or have you only just started having sex? Have you tried different positions? Is it a problem during sex, or only at other times? Has your partner commented negatively on it? If so, perhaps he should just get over it and have sex with a lunchwrap tube instead! Sorry, that was a bit harsh on the poor boy. ;-(

We have discussed this quite a bit in the past. Use the Search box to look for these topics.

It really means that your organs are very mobile, either as a genetic characteristic, (which might be associated with hypermobile joints, and history of ligament injuries, etc) or injury, maybe caused during some surgery in the past or physical trauma.

Come to think of it, I can remember getting vaginal farts when I was just starting to have sexual relationships, about your age, but didn't get POP until after at least my first baby.