What next?


This is my very first post of info on a computer . Just had a hysterectomy with anterior repair 7 wks ago. Now I have a rectocele. I am 57 years young. Still feel 12 when I'm walkin in a stream fishing. How the heck did I get here? Thought I had done my home work. No more kids, don't need the uterus,my mom had one done at a young age.Now I find this web site after the fact and feel pretty dumb. I am not sure what to do next. I was reading about the Sacroiliac belt, well I already have issues with my SI joint. Is this going to make it worse? Should I wear my SI belt all the time? It is different than the one in the store, would I need a different one now? I am not going to let this get the better of me. I'm going kayaking tommorrow with my friend, we'll talk about all this. She had a hysterectomy many years ago. Well this is a start for now. I do a lot of lifting in my work. Will this be an issue? Thanks for all your wonderful honest info. Naturegirl

I just made an appointment for tomorrow to talk with a doctor about pelvic floor prolapse surgery. I came home to research options and found this site. I am so hoping this will help me with my problems that I cancelled my appointment.

Dear Kitnkat,

Thank goodness you cancelled. You are going to be so glad. Got to run. Start using the search bar to find topics that will help you. Site is a lifesaver.

Hang in! And welcome!

For kitnkat:
i went ahead and trusted the system for surgery of a serverly prolapsed (outside about 8 cm) cervix/vagina/uterus.
The fixation to my sacral ligament failed after 2 years. I have some of the mesh still left after having challenging surgery to remove most of it. I have sensitivity in lwr back from this suturing, I have a chronic pus-like non bacterial infection(Did not know there could be infection from a surgical procedure that was not bacterial or virile) Without a bagel-sized donut pessary, my cervix and vagina hang out like a grapefruit... I too am still that little girl skipping the rope --- As well, the manufacturer of the pessary gives a product Trimo=San as the antiseptic and lubricant which the manufacturer whom I phones says they have not heard any problem with it but this site gives www sites which I have visited where it clearly evidences the active ingredient 8-hydroxyquinoline sulpahate an antiseptic has caused cancer in lab mice etc and in Canada is fit for use in hair dies only and only in recommended concentrations..I have checked several pharmacies and they say it is a unique product and has no alternative.. but do not carry it Wal Mart used to but not any more... i have contacted Health Canada and they pass it onto another branch - I get tired of it all..How long have pessaries been around isn't it amazing there is not at least a dozen such safe products for use with pessaries?
I so wish I had not had surgery but going forward from here, I am warned not to have more, even the surgeon said more surgery risks harm to the bowel and bladder ..... (they woould do it though if i wish)When I go shopping, I still feel so alone with this problem, My GP who hasn't even looked at it, said when i showed him a picuture of the grapefruit sized prolapse tht it was very unusual flesh!! (needed him to fill out health form for work) Back to my old mantra- people only know what they have learned
well this is a rant and i must go now .. Patience to us all...and yes it has still the potential to be a beautiful world