Feeling better


Dear all

Just wanted to provide a quick update to those who were so supportive to me a few weeks ago - and maybe encourage those who are in the panicky state of mind that I was in then. I had a lovely holiday, not spoiled at all by pop. I'd had some discomfort in the week before we went but much to my amazement, 5 hours sitting in ww posture in the car (pillow on seat to level it and back support in place) left me completely free of discomfort by the time we arrived and it has stayed that way since. A mini miracle. We did go walking on the cliffs and it was all fine, even quite steep and rocky paths ( I followed the advice and stopped periodically to bend and firebreath to hoist things up a bit - may have looked a bit odd, but who cares). I have come home feeling much more confidant and able to cope - no real improvement in pop, it hasn't suddenly retreated to its lair, but I think now I've made the mental adjustment and can live with it. Sounds a bit corny, but I have done some blessing counting and realised just how very blessed I am - I have a lovely partner who has been so understanding of all the ups and downs(!) of POP and has become my personal posture trainer. I also have a wonderful friend who listens to me by the hour, lovely grown up children and so many more things. Thank heaven I found this web site, have learned so much and made positive changes to the way I live. Can't imagine where I'd be now if I hadn't found WW. You are all wonderful women, thank you.

Good to hear from you Tintagel. It is nice to get your head around it and realise that it doesn't rob you of you whole life, eh? Head adjustments are definitely useful!

I have a very inspiring friend who has had no use of his legs and very limited use of his hands and arms for the last 35 years. I figure if he can play blues harp and slide guitar, and sing, then I can manage my POPs. Attitude is everything.


glad you had a lovely holiday and even more that you are living well even with a POP.
I agree with louise, attitude is everything!
and the truth is, once I got my head wrapped around the psychological impact of POP, the physical stuff was cake. in the scheme of things its really no big deal.
thanks for sharing!

Thanks for sharing your story, sounds like you are on the right path. During times of setbacks I always think about my blessings, exactly how you did and I end up being happy and thankful for my family, kids, this whole experience. And for WW, of course!

Re sitting in WW posture: it helps a lot. Some car seats are really uncomfortable, but it seems that yours are better than mine, lol!


Hi Tintagel

Thanks for the encouraging update. Perhaps all the walking really did you good - it always has that effect on me. The physical confidence is the first major breakthrough in managing pop I feel. Once you stop feeling like a basket of eggs, you can start taking control of your life again.



This is sooooo true! This fragile, basket of eggs kinda feeling is so discouraging. I still remember this feeling, this made me weak and instable and sad...
1.5 year or so ago, hubby and I started to go on hikes again. I was terrified at first, I felt so fragile and vulnerable because of POP but I still remember how great I felt after a long exhausting hike (15-20 K, have no idea how many miles I am talking about here, sorry), just because I made it! My POP made it too, and nothing happened, POP behaved well. Took me a long time to finally realize, I will not fall apart, because I have POP! It is still me, yes, my body changed but still working quite well! :)

I felt like a basket of eggs for years, turned out I was just wasting my time! Please, learn from my fault, Ladies, trust in your bodies!