yoga dvd


LOVE IT!!!!!!

finally made the time to break out the WWyoga dvd, and I absolutely feel great! I'm very out of shape so couldnt do alot of it the 'right' way, but it feels sooooo good.

thanks christine!!!

I really do, and feel out of sorts when days go by that I don't do the little mat program. Thanks so much for your feedback. I'm beginning to learn that Yoga is a religion tho. I think WWY is like a Christian starting a new branch of Christianity and saying, ok...we're going to do this, but what we're going to do does not include Christ. The reception has not been warm.

Christine, is what you are saying that the yoga professionals do not think your DVD is really yoga? I once took Tai Chi Chih. It is Tai Chi by Justin Stone with slightly easier moves for those of us who are not experienced Tai Chi professionals. To me, your yoga moves are the same concept has his. On your DVD we do exercises that help us and that are possible with the bodies that we have been given. I am so happy you made the DVD. Will there be more of them?

Meribelle...I was referring to the fact that Whole Woman Yoga is not part of the traditional culture of Yoga, and as an "outsider" probably will not be readily embraced by that community. I'm okay with whatever happens and fully expect to see a few WW concepts and exercises adopted into Yoga over time.

Yes, we are doing a series of these, with the next one due for release in mid-August. :)