New and scared - need advice


Hello Wonderful Women - Sorry I am new and posted this same comment in the wrong place previously so excuse the rendundency.

I have uterine prolapse and was recently fitted for a pessary. It helped the bulging feeling in my vagina but I still have horrible groin pain on the right side which sometimes radiates down into my thigh and up around my hip. The only relief I get is when I am in a reclining position which is contradictory to what the WW book recomends for pelvic prolapse. Can the uterine prolapse be the cause of my groin pain and does anyone have suggestions for pain relief?


Please don't try to worry, have a look on here at as many posts as you many good ideas here.

It will get better.....try out some fire breathing or nauli if you can it will help :)
try hot water bottle...focus on breathing drink some warm water...have a rest try sitting in ww posture if u can leg crossed. take some turmeric pain may be in-relation to inflammation...hope this helps until some one else whom this has happened to can give you more comfort and ideas...i have a bladder prolapse i have different symptoms however keep positive watch some funny movies listen to some music xox

bug u soon xoxox

Marric - I have had a pessary for about a month. I have had no p ain only sensatioinof maybe stretching
The specialist who has written many documents on pessary use and prolapse told me to get to my family doctor if 1. I had pain, 2.If I had stinky odour, 3. if I had fever.

I think the pain you have described (horrible)would cause me to go for medical help...

Hi Marric and welcome to our wonderful forum. I know this is very scarey and we have all gone through the initial stages of grief and feelings of urgency. but with the help support and advice which is available here you should start to improve as i did and i thought my world was coming to an end but i am still here and much improved. i am not experienced enough to advise you on this issue but somone who is, will come and advise you soon. so for now start by holding your posture and breathing, also fire breathing works wonders in lifting the organs. If you haven't got the dvd yet it would be an idea to order it. when you do the yoga moves you should start to feel more comfortable bit by bit. Read every thing you can - just type a key word into the search bar above and you'll find loads of info on any subject.
Glad you found us don't worry and it's easy to say as we have all done it.
Improvement will come gradually as you do this WW work. Lie down and rest as much as possible in between doing the WW work. No tight clothing around the pelvic area. you'll be alright we are all here for you.

Dear Marric

I have those same pains on occasion; walking then becomes quite difficult. I too have uterine prolapse. I do not wear a pessary. I broke my right hip some four years ago and have thought that the dragging of the prolapsed uterus on my groin and hip was a result of sensitivity in the muscles, ligaments etc after the injury and operation. I understand when you say that you receive relief from reclining, for I do too, but need to less and less now. Reclining does relieve the groin and hip area. It takes your body weight off them and helps them relax. If I have gotten this right, you are not to worry too much about that as Christine does not say you should never recline. What she wants us to do, and from which we all receive much benefit, is to begin to assume the WW posture as frequently as we can, so that it, over a period of time, becomes habitual. You will also find that as you get better at the posture it will not interfere with your groin and hip unless as Sammy suggests in your case it may have something to do with how your pessary is placed, and in which case you need first to check with your doc. Although I gain the impression that you had the groin pain before the pessary, I would have thought if the pessary has relieved the bulge it would have also relieved the pressure on your groin and hip, so yeah definitely a good idea to check.

The trick to spare your groin, when seated on a chair, is to allow your legs to spread apart. You can do this quite comfortably if you are at table. If you are in company say seated on a lounge, you need to sit on the edge of it, in posture and if you find your right groin is cramped up stretch your legs out in front of you, they can then be neatly together for modesty’s sake. (Whoever she may be, it used to be old grandma and tutting great uncle.)

When walking, the ideal is to walk when your uterus is high and forward for I find it drags most when the uterus is low. Keeping the uterus high is largely a matter of avoiding intra-abdominal pressure, so this means assuming a diet that keeps your, rectum, bowel, bladder and intestines calm. If you need more info on diet ask more questions, there is a lot of information here.

If the groin and hip pains start when I am walking, I call the walk to a halt. I think that way is best to avoid any further possible damage, rather than push through. But I always try to make sure that I make up for the missed walk at a later time. I usually find sitting down will relieve the pain, but what is really needed is for the uterus to reposition to a better place and this will only happen when the other pelvic organs are happy.

I find when the pain is a bit much that 2 panadol that’s 1000mg of paracetamol is enough relief, rest and the reposition of the uterus is the mainstay.

Best wishes

Thank you all for responding. Fab - what you said about the ww posture and sitting with feet spread apart makes more sense to me now. I know this will be a slow process and I am grateful for this website and your support.
I will keep reading.


I also get groin pain on rising if I sit with my feet and knees together for a long time, eg at my sewing machine. All I need to do to prevent it is ensure that I separate my knees and rise in plie position.