Gods_child - My Story


I am 70 years old. I have cystocele prolapse. I do not know when it started. In 1986 (age 45) my periods stopped when my ovaries were removed because of 10 lb ovarian cysts. In the late mid 90's I was aware that I had a pop and asked a doctor

I am having trouble writing this story and now have lost it twice. I will try again another time to finish it.

I can edit this but I couldn't edit what I wrote first. (above)

Hi and welcome, Gods_child,

This happens once in awhile. The only reason I can offer is perhaps the system timed you out. A sure-fire way to prevent it from happening again is to write your post in your text editor and then cut and paste it to the forum.

I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. It doesn't happen often and I wish it were entirely preventable because it's a waste of precious time, I know.

Hope we can help you with your cystocele symptoms.


Thank you, Christine, for the encouraging words. I will try again doing as you have suggested.

I am working on the whole woman posture and the exercises from First Aid for Prolapse for Elders. I am always remembering that tomorrow is a new day and a new beginning especially when I am tired and my efforts seem like failures.

Thank you for all your hard work in this area and your web site. It is great encouragement to me.